Does a new Beacon refresh when added to an existing Beacon collection?
  • 20 Jan 2025
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Does a new Beacon refresh when added to an existing Beacon collection?

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Article summary

When a new Beacon is added to an existing Beacon collection, the Beacon does not refresh automatically.

For example, if a new Beacon is added to an existing Beacon collection with an occurrence count set to 3, users who have already exhausted that Beacon count do not see the new Beacon.

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  • To make the new Beacon appear to your end users, refresh the Beacon segment to reset the count to zero.
  • However, when you have multiple Beacons in one collection, refreshing one Beacon segment refreshes all the other Beacon segments.
  • If you want to refresh only one Beacon segment, it's recommended that you create a separate segment for that Beacon.

For more information, refer to Refresh a Beacon segment.

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