Create an NPS survey
  • 18 Oct 2024
  • 3 Minutes To Read
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Create an NPS survey

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Article summary

The NPS survey enables you to ask questions that will help you predict if the customer will repurchase the product or refer it to someone else. Based on the responses, you can make improvements to your product. You can create and launch your surveys to your end users' without moving away from the Whatfix platform.

your title goes here
  • As part of the Standard plan, you can only edit the text of the questions present in the Usability and NPS templates. You cannot add, edit, delete, reorder, add condition to your questions, share Surveys or mark a question as optional.
  • As part of the Premium plan, you can use all the edit capabilities like add, edit, delete, reorder, add condition to your questions, share Survey and mark a question as optional.

For more information, see Whatfix Pricing.

Usability survey creation is a two-step process:

Step 1: Create a NPS Survey

Use the following steps to create an NPS survey:

  1. Log in to the application where you want to create content, and then launch the Whatfix Studio.
    CLM_editor plug in2

  2. Under WIDGETS, click Survey.

  1. Select the NPS survey template.

  2. Enter a name for the survey.

your title goes here

The Survey name is solely for your (Content author's) reference and is not displayed to the end user.

  1. To edit the header, hover your cursor over the header section and then click the header.

  2. You can make the following configurations to your Survey header.

    • Enter the Title.
    • Enter the Description.
    • Change the Background color, Text color, and select the checkbox to show '*' for the mandatory questions according to your requirement.
  3. Select the Question type using the dropdown, and then enter the question.

your title goes here
  • For more information on the different question types, see Question Types and Conditions in Survey.
  • To make a question optional, select the Mark as optional question checkbox. If you don't mark a question as optional then the question needs to be answered by the end user.
  1. To add a new question, click + Add another question.

  2. To add conditions, click the Add condition icon. The condition enables you to determine which question appears next based on the users' response.

  3. Using the dropdown next to the User answer, select the user answer that acts as the condition.

  4. Using the dropdown next to Skip to, select the question the Survey should show if the condition is satisfied.

  5. To add more than one condition to your Survey, click + Add condition.

  6. Using the dropdown next to Otherwise, skip to, select the next question the Survey should show the end users' if the conditions are not satisfied.

your title goes here
  • You can reorder the question by dragging and dropping the question.
  • If you rearrange a question that has a condition attached to it, all the conditions you have added to the Survey gets deleted.
  1. Edit the End Message section

    Make the following configurations to your Survey header.

    • Type the Message.
    • Add the Subtext.
    • In the Close button text section, edit the text as required.
    • Change the Background color and the Text color of the Close button according to your requirement.
  2. On the Studio, in the CONTROL panel, you can toggle the following controls:

    • Dismissable: Enable this toggle to give your end users' an option to close/dismiss the Survey.
    • Minimize: Enable the toggle to give your end users' an option to minimize the Survey and defer taking the Survey.
    • Allow anonymous responses: Enable the toggle if you don't want to collect the responder's data.
    • Don't show me again: Enable the toggle to include a don't show me again button. Once the end user clicks it, the Survey won't be shown again irrespective of the occurrence set.
    • Position survey: Enable the toggle to change the positioning of the survey.
  3. Click Preview.

  4. Click Save.

Step 2: Configure a NPS Survey

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Widgets.

  2. Click Surveys.

  3. Hover your cursor over the required Survey, and then click the Edit icon.

  1. Click Set Visibility Rules.
    DB_Survey_set VR

  2. Set the Where visibility rule for the Survey pop-up to appear.
    DB_Survey_set where VR rules

For more information, see Visibility and Display Rule Conditions.

  1. Set the When visibility rule for the Survey pop-up.
    DB_Survey_when VR rules
your title goes here

Once the user responds to the survey, the Survey pop-up won't be shown again irrespective of the occurrence count set.

  1. Click Save.
    clm_survey_edit or save the survey

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