How to find the ID of a Static content?
  • 18 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute To Read
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How to find the ID of a Static content?

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Article summary

Static content includes Article, Video, and Links to other pages. Each content has a unique ID that is required for Advanced Customization (AC) and API integrations.

Use the following steps to find the ID for static content:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click All content.

  1. Hover the cursor over the content for which you want to find the ID, and then select it using the checkbox.

  2. Click the Export language files icon.

  3. Choose the .properties format option.

  4. Choose the language for which you want to download the Language file.

  5. Click Download.

your title goes here

The language file is downloaded to your local drive.

  1. Extract the ZIP file and open the file in the full folder using a text editor like Sublime Text.
your title goes here

The ID and the name of the content are displayed at the top. The first section, before the underscore of each content, is the ID, as shown in the following image.

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