Overview of the Whatfix Mirror Dashboard
  • 26 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute zum Lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf

Overview of the Whatfix Mirror Dashboard

  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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The Whatfix Mirror Dashboard enables you to view, manage, and publish Workflow and Simulation.

Once you’ve captured a Mirror Bildschirm from Whatfix Studio, use the Mirror Dashboard to organize, configure, and publish Mirror Workflows and Simulations on your application.


  • Currently, Users only with Account Manager roles can access and view the Whatfix Mirror Dashboard.

  • All the captured Mirrors appear in the Draft stage of the Mirror Dashboard.

The following sections explain the interactions in each Stage of the Whatfix Mirror Dashboard.


  • Rename, Share, and Delete Mirror Workflows and Simulations.

  • Move the selected Mirror Workflows and Simulations that are ready for review from the Draft to Ready stage.

Here's an overview of the Mirror Draft stage:



  • Rename, Share and Delete all the Mirror Workflows and Simulations.

  • If certain Workflows are not ready for your end users, move them back to the Draft stage.

  • Once the Workflow or Simulation is reviewed and tested, click Publish to move the Mirror Workflow or Simulation from the Ready stage to the Production stage.

Here's an overview of the Mirror Ready stage:



  • The Production stage is where you Share the Mirror Workflow and Simulation that is published for your end users.

  • If you no longer want your end users to see a particular Workflow or Simulation, move it to the Draft stage using Unpublish.

  • To edit a Mirror Workflow that is already in Production, click Edit in Draft. Whatfix creates a new version of the same Mirror Workflow in the Draft stage for you to edit and update by pushing it to production again. Your end users continue to see the current version of the Whatfix Mirror Workflow.  

Here's an overview of the Mirror Production stage:


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