Smart Tips Customization
- 14 Jun 2024
- 1 Minute To Read
Smart Tips Customization
- Updated On 14 Jun 2024
- 1 Minute To Read
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Whatfix enables you to customize how Smart Tips appear to your end users. Format text, choose colors, define if you want to use the 'i' icon or an image, determine how long you want the Smart Tip to appear, and more.
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- Customization options such as changing the Tip color, header text, and more are applied universally to all the Smart Tips created on the application, including the existing Smart Tips. However, changing the default style of the Smart Tips affects only those created after the settings change, not the existing ones.
- This universal customization enables you to maintain consistency within an application.
Customize Smart Tips
Use the following steps to customize Smart Tips:
On the Whatfix Guidance Dashboard, click Style.
Click Smart-tips.
Make the necessary changes on this page using the following information. The following are the configurations that you can change:
- Change the color of the Smart Tip.
- Configure the time for which the Smart Tip appears and then disappears.
- Choose formatting options like text size, color, style, and more for the Smart Tip Header Text and Optional Text.
- Define whether you want to display the 'X' icon on a Smart Tip, and choose the color of the icon.
- Choose a Default style for the Smart Tips.
- Choose the color of the 'i' icon or upload an alternate image, such as a question mark icon, to use instead of the 'i' icon.
Click Save.
- Any changes that you make are applied universally to all the Smart tips that you may have on your application. This includes Smart Tips that you have already created.
- A Smart Tip set to perform data validation cannot be customized.
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