List of Whatfix-related Events
  • 22 Aug 2024
  • 7 Minutes To Read
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List of Whatfix-related Events

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Article summary

An event is defined as an end-user interaction and contains contextual information to understand user behavior on an application. There are two types of events in Whatfix:

  • Default Events

  • Custom Events

Default Events: All events generated for Whatfix content and widget interaction.
Custom Events: User-defined events such as User Actions, events captured using Whatfix API, and more.

The following is a list of all the captured Whatfix-related (Default) events and their descriptions.

The Whatfix Events, both the Default and Custom events, appear in the dropdown only if you have performed the events at least once.

Expand the accordion to view a list of all the Whatfix-related (Default) events captured and their descriptions.

Default Events

Event name


Any Whatfix Events

Shows the overall end user engagement with any Whatfix content such as Flows, Beacons, Smart Tips, and more.

Page View

Triggered when Whatfix content or widgets load on a specific page where the end user is active


Event name


Flow started

Triggered when the end user launches a Flow from Self Help or Task List

Flow step shown

Triggered when a Flow step is shown to the end user

Flow step completed

Triggered when the end user completes a Flow step

Flow backtracked 1 step

Triggered when the end user moves a step back in a Flow

Flow backtracked 1 step and failed

Triggered when the end user moves a step back in a Flow and the Flow fails

Automated Flow stopped

Triggered when a Flow is stopped using the _ wfx_close_live() function from the console

Branched Flow started

Triggered when the end user launches a branched Flow

Failed to launch Flow step

Triggered when the Flow step fails to appear on an application

Flow Auto closed

Triggered when an automated Flow step is closed

Flow closed

Triggered when the end user closes a Flow

Flow completed

Triggered when the end user completes a Flow

Flow completed with feedback

Triggered when the end user closes a Flow and gives feedback from the Flow closure feedback message.

The Flow closure feedback message appears only if you’ve enabled the Flow closure feedback feature.

Flow completed without feedback

Triggered when the end user closes a Flow and does not give feedback from the Flow closure feedback message.

The Flow closure feedback message appears only if you’ve enabled the Flow closure feedback feature.

Flow feedback

Triggered when the end user provides feedback on the completion of a Flow

Flow resumed

Triggered when the end user moves forward in a Flow

Flow set to manual

Triggered when an Automated Flow fails and the Flow is switched to manual for the end user’s inputs

Flow slideshow closed

Triggered when the end user closes a Flow slideshow without completing it. The step number at which the user closed the slideshow is also captured.

Flow slideshow closed at Step 1

Triggered when the end user closes a Flow slideshow on the first slide

Flow slideshow completed

Triggered when the end user completes a Flow slideshow

Flow slideshow restarted

Triggered when the end user restarts a Flow slideshow from the last slide

Your title goes here

A Flow is played as a Slideshow in Self Help or Task List when it is tagged with the nolive tag

Flow slideshow started

Triggered when the end user starts a Flow slideshow

Your title goes here

A Flow is played as a Slideshow in Self Help or Task List when it is tagged with the nolive tag

Flow step viewed in slideshow

Triggered when the end user moves through the slides (Flow steps) in a slideshow

User transitioned to another Flow

Triggered when the end user navigates to another Flow from the first one

Attached flow started

Triggered when two Flows are linked and the end user launches the second Flow from the end message pop-up of the first Flow

Flow end message closed by “X” icon

Triggered when the end user closes the Flow end message using the x icon

Flow end message closed by close button

Triggered when the end user clicks the Close button on the Flow end message when the feedback option is not configured

Flow launched as pop-up

Triggered when the end user launches a Flow when the wfx_play_as_popup tag is used

Your title goes here

When a Flow is tagged with the wfx_play_as_popup tag , a Pop-up is shown before the Flow starts playing.

Flow launched from pop-up

Triggered when the end user launches a Flow linked to a Pop-up button

Flow loaded as pop-up

Triggered when a Flow with wfx_play_as_popup tag gets displayed on the application

Your title goes here

When a Flow is tagged with the wfx_play_as_popup tag , a Pop-up is shown before the Flow starts playing.

Flow with wfx_play_as_popup tag skipped

Triggered when the end user skips a Flow with the wfx_play_as_popup tag

Your title goes here

When a Flow is tagged with the wfx_play_as_popup tag , a Pop-up is shown before the Flow starts playing.


Event name


Beacon clicked

Triggered when the end user clicks a Beacon on the application

Beacon shown

Triggered when a Beacon gets displayed on the application


Event name


Pop-up closed

Triggered when the end user closes the Pop-up using the x icon

Pop-up closed by “X” icon

Triggered when the end user closes a Pop-up using the x icon

Pop-up shown

Triggered when the Pop-up is shown to the end user

Pop-up skipped

Triggered when the end user skips the Pop-up

“Do not show me again” selected

Triggered when the end user selects the Don’t show me again checkbox in a Pop-up

URL Triggered via Pop-up

Triggered when the end user opens the link attached to a Pop-up

Smart Tip

Event name


Smart tip shown

Triggered when the Smart Tip appears on the application

Smart-tip autocompleted

Triggered when the Smart Tip is autocompleted

Smart-tip element not found

Triggered when Whatfix is unable to find the element on which the Smart Tip is latched to

Smart-tip loaded for page

Triggered when the Smart Tip loads on the application

Your title goes here

Filter only up to 3 months of data for the Smart-tip loaded for page event.

User closed Smart Tip

Triggered when the end user closes the Smart Tip using the x icon

Validation Tip correct input

Triggered when the end user enters the correct input after a Validation Tip is shown

Validation Tip error fixed

Triggered when the end user re-enters input after a Validation Tip is shown

Validation Tip error shown

Triggered when input provided by the end user is incorrect and a Validation Tip is shown

Task List

Event name


Task List shown

Triggered when the Task List gets displayed on the application

Task List closed

Triggered when the end user closes the Task List

User interacted with Task List

Triggered when the end user opens the Task List

Task List shown after nudge

Triggered when the Task List opens on the application to nudge users

Task completion

Triggered when the end user completes a task in the Task List, based on the completion criteria of the content

Task list segment completion

Triggered when the end user completes all the tasks in the Task List

Self Help

Event name


Self Help shown

Triggered when Self Help gets displayed on the application

Self Help Opened

Triggered when the end user clicks the Self Help icon to open the widget

Your title goes here

Filter up to 3 months of data for the Self Help shown event

Self Help closed

Triggered when the end user closes Self Help

Self Help Search

Triggered when the end user engages with Self Help search

Self Help feedback entered

Triggered when the end user types feedback after searching and not finding results

Self Help feedback option selected

Triggered when the end user selects the feedback option in the closed or open state of Self Help

Feedback sent after no search result

Triggered when the end user gives feedback after no search results are found in Self Help

Email provided for Self Help feedback

Triggered when the end user provides an email address in the feedback in Self Help

New content notification badge selected

Triggered when the end user selects the new content notification badge in the closed state of Self Help

New content notification badge hovered

Triggered when the end user hovers the cursor over the new content notification badge in the closed state of Self Help

Static Content

Event name


Link opened

Triggered when the end user opens a hyperlink from a Smart Tip, Beacon, or Flow step

Link opened in new format

Triggered when the end user opens a link content created using the Whatfix dashboard or Studio from Self Help or Task List

Article closed

Triggered when the end user closes text content

Article viewed

Triggered when the end user views text content

Video link clicked

Triggered when the end user opens a video link


Event name


Survey Shown

Triggered when a survey loads on an application

Survey Abandoned

Triggered when the end user abandons the survey

Survey Closed

Triggered when the end user closes a survey without submitting the responses

Survey Maximize

Triggered when the end user maximizes the survey

Survey Minimize

Triggered when the end user minimizes the survey

Survey Refresh

Triggered when the survey is refreshed

Survey Submit

Triggered when the end user submits a survey

Custom Events

Event name


Any App Events

Shows the overall end-user engagement with the created User Actions, events captured using Whatfix API, and more.

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