Restore, copy, or delete Archived content or widgets
  • 06 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute To Read
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Restore, copy, or delete Archived content or widgets

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Article summary

Perform the following actions on Archived content or widgets in the Archived section:

Restore: Bring your Archived content or widget out of the Archived section and back to the Draft stage.
Copy to Draft: Create a copy of your Archived content or widget in the Draft stage.
Delete: Delete the Archived version of your content or widget from the Dashboard.

your title goes here
  • Archived content and widgets get restored to the Draft stage as the latest version.
  • Links, videos, images, and PDFs in the Archived section cannot be copied.
  • Restored content and widgets return to the folders from which they were archived, if the folders still exist. If a folder doesn't exist anymore, the content or widgets get added to the list of all content.


In the Archived section, hover your cursor over the content or widget you want to restore, and then click the Restore icon.

your title goes here

To restore multiple content/widgets together, select them and click Restore.

Copy to Draft

In the Archived section, hover your cursor over the content/widget you want to copy, and then click the Copy to Draft icon.

  • You cannot copy multiple content/widgets to Draft at the same time.
  • When an Archived content/widget is copied to the Draft stage, the associated tags and the translations of the content prior to archival are also copied.


In the Archived section, hover your cursor over the content or widget you want to delete, and then click the Delete icon.


Once you delete content or widgets, they cannot be retrieved.



To delete multiple content/widgets together, select them and click Delete content or Delete widget.

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