Supported Operators for Visibility and Display Rules
  • 24 Jan 2024
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Supported Operators for Visibility and Display Rules

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Article summary

Operators in Whatfix help determine whether a Visibility or Display rule condition is met according to a set value and thus show content based on it.

There are three types of operators supported by Whatfix:

Basic Supported Operators

Some operators in Whatfix are supported by all the Visibility and Display rule conditions, except the Other Elements on Page rule.

The following are the operators:

Operator Description
Equals For an exact match
Not Equals Doesn't equal the value
Contains The set value is present anywhere in the value of the condition (Check for strings).
Not Contains The set value is not present anywhere in the value of the condition.
Starts With The set value is at the beginning of the value of the condition.
Ends With The set value is at the end of the value of the condition.
Exists The set value is available (or true).
Not Exists The set value is not available (or false).
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Page and Role tags only support the Exists and Not Exists operators.

Additional Supported Operators

Visibility and Display rule conditions like Window Variable, User Attribute, and Enterprise Attribute support some additional operators.

The following are the operators:

Operator Description
Greater than The set value is greater than the value of the condition
Less than The set value is less than the value of the condition
Date Greater than Any day after the set date
Date Less than Any day before the set date
Completed Set User Action needs to be completed by the user
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  • Greater Than and Less Than accept only numerical values.
  • For Date Greater Than/Less Than in Window Variable, the default format is "MM/DD/YYYY". The format can be changed to match your system's date format. To change the format, contact
  • For Date Greater Than/Less Than in User and Enterprise Attributes, the default format is the ISO date format.
    For example, 2001-08-19T17:38:56.235+0000, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss. The +0000 indicates the offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
    • Date: August 19, 2001 (YYYY-MM-DD)
    • Time: 17:38:56.235 (HH:MM:SS.sss)
    • Time zone offset: +0000 (UTC)
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  • User Action only supports the Completed operator.
  • Completed is not available for any other Visibility and Display rule.

Supported Operators for the Other Elements on Page rule

The Other Elements on Page rule has a list of operators different from the rest of the Visibility and Display rules.

The following are the operators:

Operator Description
Exists CSS Selector Set value is the CSS class or id of the element that exists in the application UI.
Non Exists CSS Selector Set value is the CSS class or id of the element that does not exist in the application UI.
Exists JQuery Selector Set value is the jQuery selector of the element that exists in the application UI.
Non Exists JQuery Selector Set value is the jQuery selector of the element that does not exist in the application UI.
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  • If you create a Smart Tip inside iFrames, then the window variable must be pointed to the respective frame. You may use window.frames.
  • If you are adding multiple conditions, then the tip is displayed only if all the conditions are true. (Similar to the Boolean AND)

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