Embed Whatfix generated videos
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Embed Whatfix generated videos

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Article Summary

You can embed Whatfix videos on your preferred website or app using the iFrame code provided by Whatfix.

If the site where you're trying to embed the video accepts only the URL embed and not the iFrame code, then you have to make a small change to the iFrame code and use it.

your title goes here

To get the iFrame or URL for a video, you must first authorize a video channel, which automatically creates and uploads the videos to the platform.

your title goes here

You can generate Whatfix video for a Flow in any stage, be it in Draft, Ready, or Production. To generate the video, Go to the respective stage and follow the steps mentioned in this article.

iFrame embed

  1. On the Whatfix dashboard, navigate to the Production tab.

  2. Open the Flow you want to embed, and then click the Embed dropdown menu.

  1. Click Video from the dropdown.

  2. Click Copy iFrame.

  3. Use the copied iFrame code to embed the video.

URL embed

Do not use the URL from your video channel. The URL in the video channel changes each time an update is made. But the Flow embed URL does not change and renders the latest update as a video.

Use the following steps to get the URL:

  1. On the Whatfix dashboard, navigate to the Production tab.

  2. Open the Flow you want to embed, and then click the Embed dropdown menu.

  1. Click Video from the dropdown.

  2. Click Copy iFrame.

  3. Paste the copied iFrame code in a text editor.

  4. Delete everything except the video URL as shown in the following image.

  5. Add https: before the edited URL.

  6. Use this final URL to embed videos.

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