Features available in Whatfix Desktop
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Features available in Whatfix Desktop

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Feature Name Description
Folders on your dashboard Whatfix Desktop enables content creators to group content and widgets inside folders for better management. You can group content or widgets that you want to display to users belonging to the same geography, having the same user roles and more.
Additional tooltip themes Whatfix Desktop provides various customization options that enable you to change the look and feel of your Flows' tooltips according to your preferences. You can customize the design of your Flows' tooltips by setting:
  • A default theme for all Flows
  • Individual themes for each Flow
Content Template With Content Templates, you can import pre-built and tested content that can be readily used when you log in to your Whatfix account. This reduces your effort in creating Whatfix content from scratch and helps you show content to your end users faster.
Internationalization Whatfix Desktop supports internationalization and enables you to change the language of your Whatfix Dashboard. This means that as a content creator, the Whatfix UI is available to you in English and German.
Content Archival With Content Archival, you can store old and unused content/widgets in a separate section called the Archived section. Archiving content and widgets helps declutter the Dashboard and makes it easier for content creators to find relevant and up-to-date information. You can also restore content and widgets from the Archived section to the Draft stage. Restoring content and widgets is not possible when you delete them.
Feature Name Description
Whatfix to crawl content from the Files section You can integrate Salesforce with Whatfix Desktop to fetch and display articles from your Salesforce repository as contextual links in the Self Help widget.
Content segmentation on Salesforce Community Whatfix Desktop enables content creators to configure segments on Whatfix, using standard Salesforce user properties. Salesforce objects are properties that help Whatfix serve relevant content to Salesforce users based on existing Salesforce properties that help identify different users. Using Salesforce objects helps you to show relevant content to your users easily.
Freshservice integration Fetch articles from your Freshservice Repository and display them as contextual links in the Self Help widget. You can choose to either fetch all the content or only articles in particular folders.
Confluence integration Fetch articles from your Confluence Repository and display them as contextual links in the Self Help widget. You can choose to either fetch all the content or only articles in particular folders.
Salesforce File integration Fetch articles from your Salesforce Repository and display them as contextual links in the Self Help widget. You can choose to either fetch all the content or only articles in particular folders.
Feature Name Description
Rich text editor for Beacons The Whatfix rich text Editor enables you to format content using multiple options. It also helps you to link to and include multimedia content. The rich text editor can be used across different widgets.
Beacon level configuration Each Whatfix Beacon can have its unique properties—Beacon style and Beacon color, different from the account level configurations. For example, all the Beacons in your account can be radial styled, but you can customize one Beacon to be Custom styled when you want to focus on a new update. The account level configuration for Beacons is available by default.
Feature Name Description
Cross application Flows Cross Application Flow enables you to create Flows that can be displayed across multiple desktop applications. A single Flow can run on different applications without breaking. For example, you can introduce new users to all the desktop applications your product works on. You can also onboard new employees with a tour of the applications your organization uses, and show them the various features associated with each application.
Flow Close Message/feedback There are instances when an end user may close a Flow while it is playing. This could be because of many reasons. The user may have figured out what the next steps are going to be. However, if they have not, it's always a good idea to check.
Whatfix enables you to handle Flow closures in two ways:
  • Flow Closure Feedback: This enables you to receive feedback from your end users on the reason for Flow closure.
  • Flow Close Message: This enables you to show a message to your end users when they close the Flow.
Spotlight The Spotlight feature is used in a Flow step to get the user to focus on an element and not get distracted by anything else on the of the screen. When Spotlight is enabled, the end user is restricted to click only the element that completes the step. The other elements on the page are blacked out and cannot be clicked.
Self Help
Feature Name Description
Content feedback in Self Help Whatfix enables you to provide an in-app feedback icon to enable your end users to give feedback and register their requests and suggestions from within the Self Help widget. Unlike other ways of communication like email support, live chat, and ticketing that redirect the end user to respective applications, Content Feedback enables users to provide in-app feedback without disturbing their flow of work.
End-User Feedback in Self Help The End user feedback enables your end users to provide feedback and register their requests and suggestions when they can't find what they are looking for in Self Help. Though there are other ways of communicating, like email support, live chat, and ticketing, that redirect the end-user to respective applications, the ability to provide End user feedback enables users to provide in-app feedback in their flow of work.
Personalize Nudges in Self Help Whatfix enables you to prompt your users to open the Self Help after a period of continuous inactivity. Personalized nudges suggest content like articles, Flows, etc to the end users, specific to the user and the page/segment they are currently on.
Self-Help Size Adjustment Whatfix enables you to provide your end users with the ability to resize the Self Help widget. End users can minimize or maximize the Self Help widget as per their requirements using the Maximize-Minimize icon.
Nested Grouping in Self Help The ability to group content in Self Help helps structure your content so that your end-user can easily understand and navigate through the widget. Nested grouping enables you to extend the ability to group related articles, improving your end-user experience.
New Content Notification in Self Help An essential part of the content creation process is informing your end users about new content available as and when you create the content. Self Help provides you the ability to notify your end-users about any new content created and added in the Self Help. This promotes end user engagement with the widget as well.
Carousel animation in Self Help To help you improve the usage of Self Help, Whatfix enables you to catch the attention of your users by animating the Self Help tab. You can also configure a tooltip to appear on cursor hover to show the user a tooltip that introduces them to Self Help. Different configurable animation styles are available using which you can make your users aware of Self Help and show them how they can access it anytime they are looking for more information.
Product Analytics
Feature Name Description
Dashboards Whatfix now enables you to create Dashboards with actionable Insights and customize them depending on your business needs and use cases. These custom Dashboards are the one-stop place for all Insights to help you visualize your data and provide information at a glance. Different business groups within an organization can use Dashboards to show data based on their needs and take decisions. You can create, view, edit, delete, manage, and export your Dashboards.
Funnels A funnel is a series of sequential events (User Actions or Flows) that enable you to track how your end users progress through a defined path in your application. It helps you analyze and understand how your end users are navigating through an application process, and in which step of the process they fail or drop off most often. You can also add a Page View, which is the URL of your page, as part of a Funnel to understand how many users visit the page.
Download Unique Users and Engagement data Whatfix Analytics gives you the number of users to whom Whatfix widgets were visible and the number of users who clicked and engaged with those widgets. Using this information, you can make changes to the widgets like changing their position, colors, animation effects, etc., to increase the engagement rate.
Cohorts Understand the behavior of the users who have dropped off somewhere in a process by creating a Cohort directly from a Funnel step. Using Cohorts, you can understand the behavior of all users who have completed a Flow, create multiple groups based on end-user behaviour, and more.
User Journey With User Journeys, Whatfix provides you with the ability to automatically analyze how an end user navigates through an application using User Actions and helps you understand the different paths they take to complete a task. You can track which path your users are taking on an application, whether they're taking the right path to complete a task, and how they interact with any Whatfix content or widget that appears on the page.
Multiformat outputs
Feature Name Description
SCORM package export Whatfix Enterprise accounts have a feature to export Whatfix Flows as a SCORM package which can then be used along with a Learning Management System (LMS).
xAPI package export Whatfix Enterprise accounts are provided with a feature to export Whatfix content (Flows, videos, and text) as an xAPI package which can then be used along with a Learning Management System (LMS).
Multi-format Content Export Dashboard users can choose to export the On-premise deployment package with/without the multi-format content.
Feature Name Description
System level installer System-level installation of the Whatfix Desktop Player installs the Player application inside the Program Files of the user's computer. It is a UI and Command Line-based installation process and ensures that the Player is deployed for each user in the machine in a single turn, without requiring multiple installations for each individual user. This method is only suited when the Player needs to be installed for Virtual Desktop software, like Citrix and AVD.
System level distributor System level, or bulk deployment of the Whatfix Player places an application distributor of the Player at the Windows system level, inside the Program Files.The installation of the Player app on a user level is triggered when a user signs into the common Windows machine.
Feature Name Description
Self-Hosting Whatfix Content Whatfix enables you to download the content you have created and host it on your own servers.
Offline Mode With Whatfix Desktop's offline mode feature, your organization can display Whatfix content to anyone, and at any time and place, without a need for network connectivity. Any content which you wish to display can be packaged and deployed for the end users along with the installation of Player on their devices.
Whatfix for virtual desktops Whatfix Desktop can be implemented across all applications using virtual desktop software like Citrix and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). The Whatfix Player can be added to your respective Workspace and configured to display Whatfix content to all the end users of your organization, even if they access the required desktop applications through a virtual workspace.
Publishing content
Feature Name Description
End-user authentication The End-user Authentication feature prompts your end users to authenticate themselves with valid credentials using your organization’s SSO. Only after
Export Production Package Pass parameters such as locale, redirect URL, and extension ID in the landing page URL
Feature Name Description
Whatfix Single Sign-On Whatfix supports login with Single Sign-On (SSO). SSO is an authentication process that enables users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials.
API Token The Whatfix web app uses a username and password for validating users. When using Whatfix APIs, the API Key and API token are the equivalents of the username and password required to authenticate a user. Whatfix needs your API token to validate each request. Each user in an enterprise has a different API token. The Whatfix system needs to know who you are connecting with and the actions they do with their account.

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