Scheduling an Integration
  • 04 Feb 2025
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Scheduling an Integration

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Article summary

After integrating an application with Whatfix (for example, Confluence Integration), schedule it to run automatically at specific intervals to ensure that any data changes after the integration are included.

Benefits of scheduling an Integration

  • Reduces manual intervention.
  • Increases transparency in data movement.

Schedule an Integration

Use the following steps to schedule an integration:

  1. On the Whatfix Analytics dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Under Integrations, click App integrations.

  1. In the My Integrations page, go to the Integration you want to schedule, and then enable the toggle.

  2. Click Schedule Run.

  3. Configure the following options:

    • Start On: Set the start date and time.
    • Time zone: Specify the time zone from the dropdown for the selected dates.
    • Repeat: Configure the frequency of the Integration run during the selected time.
    • Ends:
      1. Select the Never option to run the Integration forever.
      2. Select the On option and specify the end date and time.
  4. Click Save.

  • Only Integrations in an active state can be scheduled.
  • A webhook based integration (for example, SurveyMonkey Integration cannot be scheduled.

The following are a few use cases:

Push Whatfix analytics data to a BI tool - Weekly

In the Schedule integration run dialog box,

  1. Set the start date and time.

  2. In the Repeat section, select Once a week.

  3. Set the end date, and then click Save.

Pull Role information from Salesforce and Successfactors - Weekly

In the Schedule integration run dialog box,

  1. Set the start date and time.
  2. In the Repeat section, select Once a week.
  3. In the Ends section, select the Never option and then click Save.

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