Product Analytics Glossary
  • 24 Mar 2025
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Product Analytics Glossary

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Account Manager(role)The Account Manager has permission to perform all tasks in the Whatfix Analytics dashboard. Three other roles exist on the platform. To know more about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
ActAfter you track and analyze user behavior on your application, use the insights to make data-driven decisions to build better products. 
AnalyzeUnderstand how different types of users interact with your product or application using Whatfix's no-code Product Analytics solution.
APIThe Application Programming Interface (API) serves as an access point and a set of routines, protocols, and tools that specify how various software components interact.
App IntegrationsApp Integrations enable you to exchange data and attribute streams between Whatfix and other products.
Area ChartAn area chart displays data as a series of data points connected by lines and filled with colors. This chart shows changes in the magnitude of data in different categories over time, such as as the total number of impressions of various widgets over a year.
Ask Whatfix AIAsk Whatfix AI is an AI-powered capability that automatically turns your end-user engagement queries into Trend and Funnel Insight charts.
AutocaptureWhatfix automatically captures events from important user interactions and behavior on your application without requiring external configuration.


Bar Chart - HorizontalA horizontal bar chart represents data using horizontal bars to compare different categories, such as which content has received the most interaction.
Bar Chart - VerticalA vertical bar chart represents data using vertical bars to compare different categories, such as which content has received the most interaction.
BeaconBeacon is used to draw your users' attention to a new feature or any other element in the application user interface.


Capture Rules

Capture Rules help you define the unique identifier related to the element that you want to capture as an Event Attribute.

CLM StagesWhatfix Analytics enables you with the ability to filter analytics data based on stages (Draft, Ready, and Production) so that you can effectively examine and analyze data on the desired stages of interest.
CohortsCohorts enable you to create a group of users based on specific criteria and analyze the group to take further actions.
Cohorts as Visibility RulesCreate a Cohort to group users based on their behavior on the application. Using these Cohorts, Whatfix enables you to target Whatfix content and guide them along the right path. This process involves including a Cohort as a Visibility Rule to display or hide a Whatfix widget.
Cohorts as Visibility Rules is a Beta feature. Contact to enable it.
Completion TimeCompletion Time enables you to filter users based on the time they take to complete the Funnel steps. It considers the fastest time taken between each Funnel step per user, averaged across all users.
ContentContent includes any instructional material such as a Flow, video, text, image, PDF, or link created to guide users in performing tasks efficiently.
Content Manager (role)The Content Manager is a user role that can access and use the Whatfix Analytics dashboard. There are three other roles on the platform. For more information about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
Conversion Funnels

Conversion Funnels enable understanding of how end users use a product. Track the end users' path from discovery of the product until they either drop off or convert into a customer.

Custom Events

Custom Events are user-defined events, such as User Actions or events captured using the Whatfix API.


DAPA Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) enables an efficient digital transformation journey by improving the adoption of enterprise applications. DAPs deploy as an overlay on the application, allowing the creation of in-app interactive and contextual Flows. This enables users to navigate through the software with ease, thus reducing the need for repeated training.
DashboardsDashboards serve as a Product Analytics reporting feature that enables visualization of insights. They provide information at a glance to support data-driven decisions. For more information on visualizing insights, see Dashboards.
Default Events

Default Events are all events generated for Whatfix content and widgets interaction. For more information, see List of Whatfix-related Events.

Donut chartA donut chart represents a type of pie chart with the center removed to create a hollow appearance. Data distributes into segments, where each segment represents a portion of the whole, and the entire donut represents the total sum of all data.

Drop-off measures the number of users who leave a process without completing it.


Editor (role)The Editor role enables content creation on Whatfix and has the least permissions. Users with the Editor role can create or edit only their own content. Three additional roles exist on the platform. For details about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
Enterprise AttributesEnterprise Attributes represent application attributes not associated with the user. Examples include geography, department, account type, and more. These attributes enable content segmentation.
EventsEvents are triggered when end users perform any action on the Whatfix content or Widgets in the application.
Event Attribute

Event Attributes enable you to send additional contextual information along with Events to enhance analysis and decision-making. For example, along with the button click event, additional attributes such as the URL, the title of the page where the click occurred, the text on the button, and various other attributes from the application can be captured and sent to provide context for the button click event. For more information, see What are Event Attributes?

Event Breakdown

Event Breakdown enables you to group events based on specific criteria. For more information, see Filter events using Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights.

Event Filter

Event Filters help you drill down Events based on different criteria. For more information, see Filter events using Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights.

Event groupingEvent grouping enables you to group two or more Default or Custom events into a single grouped event to analyze diverse metrics. For more information, see Group Default and Custom events.
Event Trigger LocationEvent Trigger Location enables you to select the location from where a Flow is played.


FlowFlows are a sequence of step-by-step instructions that guide users through the application to complete a task.
FunnelsFunnels are a series of sequential events that help you analyze and understand how end users navigate an application process.


Goal ManagementGoals are User Actions created on the last element, which, when clicked record the completion of the process in the application. For more information, see Goal Management.


Integration HubIntegration Hub enables you to exchange data and attribute streams between Whatfix and other products.



Launchers enable you to add customizable buttons that trigger Whatfix content such as Flow, Pop-up, Video, or Link with a single click. 

Line ChartA graphical representation of data points connected by lines, used to show trends or patterns over time, such as the number of clicks on a Pop-up CTA.


Metrics ChartA visual representation of key performance indicators (KPIs) or metrics, used to track performance or progress toward a specific goal, such as displaying the conversion rate on a dashboard.


Page Title

A Page Title is a brief description of a webpage that appears at the top of the browser window.

Page ViewPage View enables the addition of the exact URL of a page to track the number of users visiting the page.
Pie ChartA Pie Chart displays data as a circle divided into sectors, illustrating the proportion of different categories in relation to the whole, such as the percentage of users from various countries.
Pop-upA widget that enables you to display notifications to users in your application.
Productivity FunnelProductivity Funnels enable the determination of the shortest time taken by end users to complete a process. Identify the steps where end users spend excessive time.


Sankey Chart

A Sankey Chart is a visualization used to depict a flow from one set of values to another. For more information, see Sankey Diagram.

Self HelpSelf Help is a collection of related content displayed to users within your application. The content could include Flows, article links, video links, and help texts. This widget is launched by clicking the Self Help tab on your application. Self Help includes the ability to search and find product-related information.
SessionUser Journey is captured based on sessions. A session usually starts when a user accesses the site and ends when the user leaves or is inactive for more than 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of inactivity, a user is considered to have dropped off.
Smart ContextWhen Smart Context is enabled, and you create content, Whatfix automatically determines which content is to be shown on which page.  Smart Context eliminates the need to create multiple segments (manually) to display relevant content contextually to different audiences on an application. 
Smart Tip Smart Tips enable you to provide contextual information to your end users on elements that need additional details while using an application.
SSOSingle Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with two different applications and websites by using just one set of login credentials that is common for both. This eliminates the need to remember the login details of two different applications. SSO minimizes the support tickets received by companies regarding forgotten password/account unlock requests by end-users.
Static Cohort (User list)With Static Cohorts (User lists), Whatfix enables the upload of a CSV file containing a list of User IDs to create a Cohort for that specific group. This Cohort can be used to target Whatfix content to that group of users or include or exclude them from data analysis. For more information, see Create a Static Cohort (User list).
SurveySurvey is a Widget that enables you to collect information and feedback from your end users through questionnaires.


Table ChartA visual representation of data in rows and columns that displays structured data in a tabular format, such as a list of events and the engagement with selected metrics and breakdowns.
TabsCreating tabs in custom Dashboards enables you to sectionalize your Dashboard based on your requirements. Tabs improve the organization of Insights in Dashboards and provide quick access to related Insights.
Task ListThe Task List widget enables assignment of a list of topics or tasks that users must complete as part of a training program.
TeammatesThe Teammates section on the Whatfix Analytics dashboard enables you to add, remove, and manage users.
Total EventsTotal Events measures the total number of times an event occurs in your product or application.
TrackWhatfix's Product Analytics enables you to track end-user actions and behavior on your product or application.
Translator (user role)The Translator role users can only translate the already created Whatfix Content. There are three other roles on the platform. To know more about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
Trend InsightsTrend Insights turns engagement-related queries, such as the number of users who complete Flows or the number of users who click the button on your Pop-up, into actionable insights.


Term Description
Unique UsersUnique Users measures the total number of distinct users that performed the event in your product or application.
User Actions (UA)User Actions enable you to track your end users' actions and analyze their behavior on your application. For more information, see User Action.
User Action VerificationUser Action Verification enables you to validate User Actions contextually within the application where they are created, allowing for real-time identification and resolution of any issues.
User AttributeUser Attributes provide information about the characteristics of your users, like who they are, what their role is, which department they belong to, etc. For more information, see User Attributes.
User breakdownUser breakdown enables you to modify the chart and group users based on various properties. For example, for the Flow completed event with User filter set to the Chrome browser, configuring the breakdown as City, displays the chart based on all locations from which users completed the Flow using the Chrome browser. For more information, see Filter Insights data using User Filters and User Breakdown.
User filterUsing the User filter module, limit the scope of the events based on different criteria. For the Flow start event, refine results to display data only for users who started the Flow from the Chrome browser or from a specific location. For more information, see Filter Insights data using User Filters and User Breakdown.
User listUser lists enable the upload of a CSV file containing a list of User IDs to create a Cohort for that specific group. This Cohort targets Whatfix content to that group of users or includes or excludes them from data analysis. For more information, see Create a Static Cohort (User list).
User Journey

User Journey enables you to automatically analyze how end users navigate through an application using User Actions and helps you understand the different paths they take to complete a task. For more information, see User Journey.


Visibility RulesVisibility Rules determine where and when Whatfix content is displayed on your application.


Whatfix AnalyticsWhatfix Analytics is a Product Analytics platform that enables you to analyze end-user behavior on the application.
Whatfix Guidance dashboardThe Whatfix Guidance dashboard enables the following actions: 
  • Access all content created by users in your organization. 
  • Access and manage content widgets, such as Self Help, Pop-ups, Smart Tips, Beacons, and Task List. 
  • Manage users. 
  • Manage tags. 
  • Access Guidance analytics.
  • Manage translations.
  • Manage Tip/Flow configurations.
WidgetWidgets are overlays, such as Self Help or Pop-up, that display on top of an application and serve various use cases, including onboarding, training, change management, and support.

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