How to add and re-order Visibility Rule conditions?
  • 16 Nov 2023
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How to add and re-order Visibility Rule conditions?

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Article summary

To add a new condition to Visibility Rules,
You can add a number of Visibility Rules to ensure that your Whatfix widgets show up on the right page and to the right users.

Use the following steps to add a new condition to Visibility Rules,

  1. Go to the Set Visibility Rules section of the segment you want to edit.

  2. Click the + icon next to the condition below which you want to add the new condition.
    RB_DB_add display rules

  3. Add the desired condition.

  4. Click Save.

To re-order a Visibility Rules segment,
Whatfix evaluates the Visibility Rules to show the content on the right page. You can re-order the rules to ensure that the correct rule takes precedence when they are evaluated.
For example, if you have added the URL Hostname followed by the URL Hash, it is ideal for the hostname to get evaluated first before the hash value.

Use the following steps to re-order a Visibility Rules segment,

  1. Go to the Visibility rules section of the segment you want to edit.

  2. Drag and drop the condition you want to move.

  1. Click Save.

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