Whatfix Diagnostics
  • 20 Feb 2025
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Whatfix Diagnostics

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Article summary


Whatfix Diagnostics is a Beta feature. To enable it, contact


Consider that you have created a Flow on your application. When you run the Flow, some steps do not work as expected. You try to debug it, but you are unsure about what went wrong or how to fix it.

Whatfix Diagnostics helps you understand why the content doesn’t work as expected. It provides clear, detailed information on what happened and why. Instead of needing technical knowledge or assistance from the support team, you can access simple, actionable insights to resolve the issue on your own.

How does Whatfix Diagnostics work?

When you enable the Diagnostics panel, it monitors your content and widgets in real-time as they run on the page. It provides step-by-step feedback, showing what works and what does not, and provides visibility into the cause of the issue.


The Diagnostics panel works for all types of Whatfix content and widgets. It provides the same detailed information whether you're creating new content or troubleshooting existing content.

What are the key benefits of using Whatfix Diagnostics?

  • See exactly why a content or widget does not work as expected.

  • Get clear information on how to fix the issue.

  • Improve your testing process before rolling it out to your end users.

  • Find and resolve issues without heavily relying on Whatfix support.

To troubleshoot content using the Diagnostics panel, see Whatfix Diagnostics.

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