Flow tooltip theme changes when triggered using the URL embed format
  • 30 Oct 2024
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Flow tooltip theme changes when triggered using the URL embed format

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Article summary


You have customized your Flow tooltip with a specific theme, which displays correctly when you run it from Self Help. However, when you trigger the Flow using the URL embed option, the tooltip theme changes unexpectedly.


Probable Cause

This issue affects content creators who have installed the Whatfix Studio. If the Studio is installed on your browser, but you haven't logged in before triggering a Flow using the URL embed option, the default theme configuration appears instead of the account-specific theme configuration. This occurs because the configuration present on the Studio takes precedence over the Whatfix Script, reverting to the default theme when Studio is enabled but not logged in.

your title goes here

For more information on precedence, see How to use preview mode to review content?

Suggested Solutions

  • Disable Studio on your browser before triggering the Flow using the URL Embed option.
  • Alternatively, if Studio is installed on your browser, log in to Studio before triggering the Flow using the URL Embed option.


If the issue persists, contact

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