Mass Deploy Whatfix Extension using Jamf for MacOS on the Chrome Browser
  • 07 Mar 2025
  • 2 Minutes To Read
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Mass Deploy Whatfix Extension using Jamf for MacOS on the Chrome Browser

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Article summary

Jamf is a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system that is used to remotely manage apps on end user machines. Read this section to learn about how you can setup and manage Whatfix extensions on your end users’ MacOS devices on the Chrome browser.


  • You must have access to Jamf to smoothly deploy the Whatfix extension for your end users.  

  • You need to add the policy manifest in Jamf for Google Chrome.  

To install Whatfix extension in the end user’s web browser on a MacOS device perform the following steps:

Use the following steps to add a configuration profile:

  1. Log in to Jamf Pro. You are logged in to the Jamf Dashboard page.

  2. Click Computers.

  3. In the Content Management section, click Configuration Profiles. This opens a new, unnamed configuration profile for you to define for MacOS devices.  

  4. Click New to create a new configuration profile.  

  5. In the General section, enter a meaningful Name and Description for your configuration profile.  

  6. Scroll to the Application & Custom Settings tab, and then click Upload.  

  7. In the Distribution Method, select Install automatically.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Under Preference Domain, enter the following domain:

  10. Under Property List, copy and paste the following code block:

    For Whatfix Store

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">

    For Google Web Store

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">


    Based on your requirements, perform the following changes to the code in the Property List section:

    If you want your end users to have the option to uninstall the Whatfix extension, change the keyword force_installed to normal_installed.

    If you don't want to automatically pin the extension to the end user's toolbar, remove the key_toolbar_pin and the associated string force_pin.

  11. Click Scope.

  12. Click + Add.

  13. Use the Add button to add all the target computers.  


    Added target computers appear as follows:

  14. Click Save.


After you’ve added the configuration profile created in Jamf and deployed on the target devices, confirm the installation to validate the deployment process.

Perform the following steps to validate the configuration profile:

Confirm the presence of the configuration profile

Use the following steps to verify the details of the configuration profile:

  1. On the end user’s Mac, in the Apple menu, click System Settings.

  2. Click Privacy & Security.  

  3. Click Profiles.

  4. Double click the configuration you added in Jamf.  

  5. Verify the Property List information and other details.  

Validate the content of your delivered profile

Once you've confirmed that the configuration file is present, validate that the file is formatted correctly by checking that the browser correctly force-installs the extension.

Use the following steps to verify content of the configuration profile:

  1. On the end user’s device, launch the Chrome browser.


    If the Chrome browser app is already open, quit and re-launch the browser.

  2. Go to chrome://extensions.

  3. Verify that Whatfix Internal Extension profile appears under My extensions.  


    If you specified force_installed when creating the configuration profile, you can’t disable the extension from the page.

  4. Go to chrome://policy, and verify the details of the extension.  

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