Install Whatfix Chrome extension from a ZIP file
  • 28 May 2024
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Install Whatfix Chrome extension from a ZIP file

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Article summary

A ZIP file with all the updated content is one of the formats generated when updating or generating an extension in Manage Extensions. A ZIP file can be used to extract and upload content when the regular extension deployment methods are not possible. The content of the ZIP file can only be installed on an individual user's browser, typically for testing.

For more information on Extensions, see Manage Extensions.

Step 1: Download the Chrome extension ZIP file from the Dashboard

Use the following steps to download the Chrome extension ZIP file from the Dashboard:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Click Content deployment.

  1. To download the ZIP file, go to the Chromium browser card, and then click Zip File.
your title goes here
  • The ZIP file is downloaded to your local drive.

  • Extract the ZIP file and keep it ready on your computer.

Step 2: Install the Chrome extension manually

Use the following steps to install a Chrome extension manually from a ZIP file:


Before proceeding with the steps, download the extension ZIP file, extract it and keep it ready on your computer.

  1. Open your Chrome browser and go to the Extensions page.

  2. Ensure that the Developer mode is enabled.
    DB_Editor_developer mode on

  3. Click Load unpacked.
    editor_load unpacked

  4. Select and upload the extracted folder.


Select the extracted folder and not the ZIP file.


Your Whatfix extension is installed.
whatfix extension_installed.png

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