Set Mutation Throttle Interval
  • 05 Sep 2024
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Set Mutation Throttle Interval

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Article summary

What is Mutation Throttle?

Mutation Throttle controls how often Whatfix re-evaluates tips based on changes (mutations) in the web page's DOM (Document Object Model). When you set a Mutation Throttle Interval value, you're setting a time interval in milliseconds. This interval represents the duration Whatfix waits after detecting a mutation event before it re-evaluates any content on the page.

In other words, upon detecting a mutation event in the DOM, for example, when a button is clicked, Whatfix starts a timer. This timer is set to expire after the specified Mutation Throttle Interval. If another mutation event occurs before the timer expires, Whatfix resets the timer.

Once the specified time interval has passed, Whatfix triggers Smart Detect to ensure that it finds and latches onto the right element.

Use the following steps to set a Mutation Throttle interval:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Click Advanced customisation.

  3. Click Technical configuration.
    ac_tech config.png

  4. Click Add preferences.
    tech config_add prefrences.png

  1. Based on your requirement, Whatfix enables you to set Mutation Throttle interval for the following:
Smart Tips, Beacons, and Launchers

  • Click Common Properties.
    tech config_common properties.png

  • Select the Mutation Throttle Interval (ms) checkbox.
    tech config_enable mutation throttle interval.png

Page Tags

Whatfix re-evaluates all widgets only if page, or Page Tag, is stable for a certain time interval. By stable, it means there is no change in page structure for that time interval.

  • Click Common Properties.
    tech config_common properties.png

  • Select the Mutation Throttle Interval for Smart Context (ms) checkbox.
    tech config_enable mutation throttle interval for smart context.png

User Actions

  • Click User Actions.
    tech config_user action.png

  • Select the Mutation Throttle Interval for User Action (ms) checkbox.
    tech config_enable mutation throttle interval for ua.png

  1. Click Add.
    tech config_add button.png

  2. In the Mutation Throttle Interval (ms) Value field, set the time interval.
    tech config_mutation throttle interval value .png

your title goes here
  • By default, this value is set to 500 ms. Increasing this value will lengthen the time interval during which the page must remain stable before triggering Smart Detect. Conversely, decreasing the value will shorten this time interval.

  • If you increase the time interval, it extends the duration for which Whatfix waits for the page to stabilize. This may result in a longer delay before your content is re-evaluated after a mutation event.

  • If you decrease the time interval, it shortens the wait time for the page to stabilize. This could lead to a quicker appearance of your content after mutations, but it may also impact performance if set too low.

your title goes here

To avoid performance issues, Whatfix recommends not to decrease the interval below 100 ms.

  1. Click Save.
    tech config_save.png

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