Remove Content from Self Help
  • 11 Mar 2025
  • 2 Minutes To Read
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Remove Content from Self Help

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Article summary

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Whatfix enables you to remove content only from the Draft and Ready stages.

There are three ways in which the content is added to the Self Help segment. Depending on how it was added, use the following ways to remove content from Self Help:

Remove content added to Self Help using Select from Library

Use the following steps to remove multiple content from Self Help, which were manually added using Select from Library:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Widgets.

  2. Click Self Help.

  3. Go to the required Self Help segment and then click the Edit icon.

  1. Select the content units you want to remove from the Self Help segment.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. On the confirmation pop-up, click Remove.

  4. Click Save.

your title goes here

You can also remove content from the segment by hovering over the individual content you want to remove, and then clicking the Delete icon.

your title goes here

By default when you remove a group from the Self Help segment, the content within the group is also removed.

Remove content added using Tag(s)

If you have added content into Self Help using a tag, then removing the tag from the content, removes the content from the Self Help segment as well.

your title goes here

You cannot remove individual content from the Self Help segment, without removing the tags.

Use the following steps to remove content added using a tag:

  1. On the Whatfix dashboard, select the checkboxes next to the content you want to tag.

  2. Click the Tags icon.

  1. Click the Close icon to remove the tag.

  2. Click Done.

The selected content is removed from the Self Help segment.

your title goes here
  • If you remove a group from the Self Help segment, only the group is removed but the content and the nested group within the group is retained within the Self Help segment.

  • If you remove a nested group from the Self Help, the content within the nested group is retained in the main group.

Remove content added using Add all existing and future content items

your title goes here

If you add content in the Self Help segment using the Add all existing and future content items toggle, then you cannot remove that content from the segment.

your title goes here
  • If you remove a group from the Self Help segment, only the group is removed but the content and the nested group within the group is retained within the Self Help segment.

  • If you remove a nested group from the Self Help, the content within the nested group is retained in the main group.

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