Whatfix Mirror use cases
  • 26 Feb 2025
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Whatfix Mirror use cases

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Article summary

Whatfix Mirror enables simulation of any application for user training, providing a secure and interactive method to teach users new software and tools without risking the integrity of the live application.

Here are some use cases of Whatfix Mirror:

  • Cost effective practice environment: Organizations often need to train users to achieve a specific level of proficiency in critical business applications before granting access to live systems. This approach ensures data integrity and minimizes costly errors.

Whatfix Mirror enables capture of screens and workflows within the live system to create a simulated environment (Mirror), a separate entity from the live system. Users practice and experiment within the Mirror without risking real data.

  • Global Onboarding: Organizations often need to onboard and train thousands of new users globally, while IT support remains limited. This limitation complicates the setup of individual training environments for each user.

Whatfix Mirror enables capture of screens and workflows within the live system to create a simulated environment (Mirror) that closely resembles the actual application. This solution addresses training challenges and delivers an effective learning experience for geographically dispersed users.

  • Contextual Guidance Overlays: Organizations often need to provide additional support for effective user onboarding.
    Whatfix Mirror enables creation of interactive overlays that deliver step-by-step instructions, tooltips, and other guidance elements directly within the simulated application environment. This in-context guidance empowers users during practice sessions, reducing errors and enhancing learning effectiveness.

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