- 10 Mar 2025
- 3 Minutes To Read
Create Trend Insights
- Updated On 10 Mar 2025
- 3 Minutes To Read
Trend Insights consist of three main modules:
- Events
a. Filter
b. Breakdown - User filter
- User breakdown
Events serve as the core components of any Trend Chart. Events are triggered when end users perform any action on the Whatfix content, widgets, or the application.
There are two types of Events:
- Default events
- Custom events
Default events: This category includes all events triggered when end users perform actions on Whatfix content or widgets within the application. To view the complete list of available Whatfix-related events, see List of Whatfix-related Events.
Custom events: This category includes User Actions, other events captured using the Whatfix API, and more.
Whatfix enables you to group Default and Custom events and form an Event group. These Event groups can be visualized using Trend Insights.
Event Filters and Breakdowns
Events, both Default and Custom, contain Filters so that you can drill down the events based on different criteria. Whatfix enables you to group the events according to various properties using the Breakdown option. Event Filters and Breakdowns ensure limiting the scope of the Event as needed to obtain granular Insights. For example, track the number of users who completed a Flow called Onboarding triggered from any source.
For more information on Event Filters and Breakdown, see Filter events using Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights.
User filters enable you to limit the scope of the events based on different criteria. For example, for the Flow start event, refine results to show data only for those who triggered it from the Chrome browser or from a specific location.
For more information on User filters, see User filters and User breakdown in Insights.
User breakdowns enable you to group users to display data based on various properties. For example, consider the Flow completed event with User filter set as Chrome browser. Configuring the User breakdown as City, displays the chart based on the location from which users completed the Flow using Chrome browser.
For more information on User Breakdown, see User Filters and User Breakdown in Insights.
Here's a sample Trend Insight.
Visualize the number of users who started a Flow called Create a Self Help Segment from any location using the Chrome browser.
Event name: Flow started
Event Filter: Content Title = Create a Self Help Segment
Event Breakdown: Event Trigger Location
User filter: Browser = Chrome
User breakdown: Country
Data setup:
Data visualized:
Steps to create a Trend Insight
Use the following steps to create a Trend Insight:
- On the Whatfix Analytics dashboard, click Insights.
Click + Create insights.
Click Trend Insights.
To name your Insight, click the Edit icon.
Enter a Description that explains what the Trend Insight depicts.
- The Description gives you context about the created Insight when added to a Dashboard.
- It also enables other stakeholders to understand what data the Insight depicts while viewing Dashboards created by other team members.
In the Data setup section, select the stage you want to get the data from.
For more information on obtaining analytics data from different stages, see Get Analytics Data across CLM Stages.
The stage cannot change after creating the Insight. Switching to a different stage resets the Insight, requiring a restart.
Click Add event.
Note- The following image shows an added event:
- Add up to 10 events in an insight.
- The following image shows an added event:
Add the required Filter and Breakdown for the event. For example, visualize the number of users who started a specific Flow.
InfoFor more information on Event Filters and Breakdown, see Filter events using Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights.
In the User filter section, click Add user filter, and then select the desired filter.
- To exclude specific filter values for which you don't require data, see How can I exclude filter values in Product Analytics?
- By default, Product analytics data may contain identified users (users identified by User ID) and unidentified users (users not identified but denoted by cookie values) users. To filter unidentified users for clearer data, see How can I filter unidentified users in Product Analytics?
In the User breakdown section, click Add user breakdown, and then select the desired breakdown.
Once the setup is complete, scroll down to view the data chart that is generated.
- Visualize the data using different metrics and chart types.
- Filter your data based on Daily, Weekly, and Monthly timeframes.
- Click Save.