Export User Journey data
  • 05 Feb 2025
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Export User Journey data

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Article summary

Download User Journey data to understand end-user behavior within the application, the time taken to complete process steps, and the exact points where users drop off from a process, and more.
For example, identify the points where users drop off from a process. This data enables targeting relevant Whatfix content or widgets to those specific users, enabling them to complete the process seamlessly.

Use the following steps to export the user data in User Journey:

  1. Create the User Journey. For more information on how to create a User Journey, see Create User Journey.

  2. In the Sankey chart, click the node for which you want to download the user data.

  1. In the dialog box, click See user data.

  2. Scroll down to view the User level data.

  3. To download this data, click Export data.

  • The data is downloaded in .csv format to your local drive.

  • The following image shows a sample CSV file:

    The CSV file includes the User Id, the total Time Taken by the user to complete the steps in seconds, the date and time when a particular step is completed by the user, the number of times the user interacts with a particular step, and the URL where the step is executed.

  • Download up to six months of User Journey data at any given time.

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