Beacon does not appear correctly
  • 30 Oct 2024
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Beacon does not appear correctly

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Article summary


  • Beacon does not appear on the page after you have pushed it to Production.
  • Beacon is not appearing in the desired location on the page.
  • Beacon is hopping, that is, switching from one element to another.
  • Beacon is not appearing in your application.

Probable Causes

  • Beacon may not appear correctly if the wrong segment is present in the Production stage.
  • Beacon may not appear if you've pushed only the content and not the associated widget.
  • Beacon may not show up at the desired location if the wrong element is selected.
  • There may be multiple similar elements, making it difficult for the Beacon to accurately latch onto the intended element.
  • The version number of the updated extension on the Whatfix dashboard does not match the version of the Whatfix extension in your browser's extension page.

Suggested Solutions

  • Ensure that the correct Beacon segment you want to display is in the Production stage.

  • Ensure that you push the widget first from the Widgets section, as this guarantees that the segment and its associated content are simultaneously pushed to Production. For more information on pushing a widget to Production, see Push Whatfix content and widgets to Production.

  • Try reselecting the Beacon element again. For more information, see Reselect Elements to manage UI changes.

  • Check if you have multiple Beacon segments for a single page that are active in the Production stage.

  • Whatfix permits only one Beacon segment to be displayed at a time. If you want to show multiple Beacons, combine the Beacons in a single collection. For more information, see Create Beacons.

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    To enable this feature, contact

  • Use the appropriate Role tags to ensure that the Beacon appears correctly for the configured user roles. For more information, see Display content based on User Roles.

  • Use CSS selectors in the Display Rules for the Beacon to appear correctly on the selected element. For more information, see How to find a CSS selector of an element using Whatfix.

  • Check the updated extension's version number on the Whatfix dashboard and the Whatfix extension in the extension page. They need to be same so that end users can see the latest Whatfix content updates.
    If they are different, try updating the extension again and wait for some time for the extension versions to be in sync. For more information, see How is the browser extension updated?.

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    If the issue persists, contact

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