Set up the Whatfix Store Extension
  • 20 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes To Read
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Set up the Whatfix Store Extension

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Article summary

The Whatfix Store is a Chrome Store-like repository for Chrome and Edge (Chromium) extensions that reduces the time taken to update Whatfix content to a few minutes instead of a few days when using the Chrome Store extension.

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  • The Whatfix Store extension when generated can be deployed and installed for both the Chrome and Edge (Chromium) browsers.
  • To learn more about the security of Whatfix Store extensions, refer to Enhanced Security for Whatfix Store Extensions.

Extensions are hosted and served from Whatfix servers and not from the Chrome Store, making publishing content significantly faster.

Generate the Whatfix Store extension

Use the following steps to generate the Whatfix Store extension:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Click Content deployment.

  1. Go to the Configurations tab.

  2. Go to the Other Browsers section, and then enable the Chrome and Edge(Chromium) toggle.

  3. On the pop-up, click Enable.

  4. Select the Whatfix Store extension checkbox.

  5. Go to the Extensions tab.

  6. To generate the Whatfix Store extension, go to the extension card for Chrome and Edge (Chromium) browser, and then click Generate

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  • The Whatfix Store extension generated is available for download within 2-5 minutes, while the Chrome Store extension is available only after 24 hours.
  • Whenever a Whatfix Store extension is generated or fails to generate, you will receive a notification email from Whatfix.
  1. To download the Whatfix Store PowerShell Script, click the Download icon on the Whatfix Store.

  2. To install the Whatfix Store extension, run the PowerShell script in domain-joined machines.

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  • Individual users can install the Whatfix Store extension by running the PowerShell script in the Administrator mode.
  • To deploy the Whatfix Store extension for new employees or new browsers that are added to the system, the PowerShell script must be executed again in those new browsers.

Install the Whatfix Store extension

To deploy and install the Whatfix Store extension, contact

Update content in Whatfix Store

Once the Whatfix Store extension is installed, you can manage all your content updates using the extension card without having to rerun the PowerShell script.

You don't have to manually update your Whatfix Store extension whenever you update your Whatfix content. When you push your Whatfix content and widgets to the Production stage, your Whatfix Store extension is automatically updated. For more information on how to push Whatfix content and widgets to Production, see Push Whatfix content and widgets to Production. You will receive an email once your extension is updated.

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