Analytics Filters- Domain Filter
  • 12 Feb 2024
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Analytics Filters- Domain Filter

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Article summary

The domain filter helps you to filter and analyze Whatfix content usage data at a domain level. For example, if you have Whatfix content in a non-production environment and don't want to include the analytics from such environments, then you can filter your results by domain or static IP address.

your title goes here

Domain filters are saved for each user. So if a filter is applied, it remains applied even after you have logged out and logged in again.

Operations associated with the filters:

  • The Include filters function like an OR operator.
  • The Exclude filters function like an AND operator.
  • The CLEAR FILTERS option clears ALL specified filters.

Use the following process to apply filters,

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Guidance analytics.

  1. On the top of the page, click Filter.

  2. In the pop-up, enter the domains which you want to include or exclude the data from. You can use the Plus icon to add multiple domains.


    When entering the URL, use only the domain name. Do not use the protocol, for example, http, https.
    For example, in this URL,, enter only

    your title goes here
    • Use the Excludes option to prevent any data from certain domains. Typically used to exclude data from test environments (for example,,, etc.)
    • Use the Includes option if you exactly know the domains from where you want to see the data.

    You can also use a static IP address in place of domains to filter analytics data.

  3. Click Apply Filters.

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