Whatfix Desktop Glossary
  • 07 Aug 2024
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Whatfix Desktop Glossary

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Account Manager(role)The Account Manager has permission to perform all tasks in Whatfix. There are 3 other roles on the platform.
To know more about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
Advanced CustomizationWhatfix is constantly adding capabilities, and you can perform most tasks on Whatfix using the Whatfix user interface. Advanced Customization permits using certain snippets of code to perform advanced actions using Whatfix. Each action can be enabled by copying the respective code into the Advanced Customization. 
AnalyticsAnalytics show you how your Whatfix content is performing. It also gives you additional insights into the status of your content, including troubleshooting information for failure rates on any specific Flow.
For more information, see Analytics.
APIApplication Programming Interface (API) is an access point and a set of routines, protocols, and tools to specify how various software components interact.
AssistAssist is a Pop-up template that enables you to handhold your users while they navigate through your application.


BeaconBeacon is used to draw your users' attention to a new feature or any other element in the application user interface.
For more information, see Beacons.
Beacon CollectionA Beacon Collection is a group of Beacons that are created and displayed on a particular page.
Beacon Level ConfigurationBeacon Level Configurations are local configurations that apply to a specific Beacon inside a collection.
Blackout FeatureThe Blackout feature is a Flow feature that enables you to hide personal/sensitive information from a Flow step when exporting Flows into Multi-format outputs like PDFs, videos, slideshows, or articles.


CarouselCarousel is a Pop-up template that enables you to make your users aware of multiple features/release items in one Pop-up.
ClappersClappers is a Pop-up template that enables you to deliver instant alerts, critical messages, or system downtime information to your users.
ConfettiConfetti is a Pop-up template that helps you to celebrate a Task completion and also rewards your users.
Content VersioningContent Versioning enables you to track all the changes made to any content created on Whatfix. You can revert these changes to the original content as well. 
CDN ServerA Content Delivery/Distribution Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network that is used to host the same content. When a request is made for the content, the network routes the user to the closest server, thus ensuring a faster response time, high availability, and improved performance.
CDN DeploymentA Content Delivery Network (CDN) deployment is one of the ways Whatfix deploys content and makes it available to your users. Multiple servers host content and servers closest to the point of use are used to deliver a better and faster user experience.
Cloud DeploymentCloud Deployment is one of the ways to deploy Whatfix content and make it available to your users. In this scenario, content is pushed to Whatfix servers.
Content AggregationContent Aggregation is the ability to aggregate and search through your knowledge bases and return search results in the Whatfix Self Help. In addition to search, if your knowledge base content is effectively tagged, Whatfix can use Smart Context to list relevant content from your knowledge base and display it as links in Self Help.
Content Manager (role)The Content Manager is a user role on Whatfix that has more permissions than the Editor role. There are 3 other roles on the platform.
To know more about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.


DAPA Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) enables an efficient digital transformation journey by improving the adoption of enterprise applications. DAPs are deployed as an overlay on the application that allows the creation of in-app interactive and contextual Flows. This helps users navigate through the software with ease, thus reducing the need for repeated training.
Data Entry AutomationThe Data Entry Automation is a Smart Tip feature that enables you to pre-populate a value in a form field.
DeploymentsDeployments are various ways to host and deliver Whatfix content to your end users.


Editor (role)The Editor role is used to create content on Whatfix and has the least amount of permissions. Users with the editor role can only create or edit their own content. There are 3 other roles on the platform. To know more about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
End-User FeedbackThe End-User Feedback is a Self Help feature that enables your end-users to provide feedback and register their requests and suggestions when they can't find what they are looking for in Self-Help.


FlowFlows are a sequence of step-by-step instructions that users are led through in their application to complete a task.
For more information, see Flows.
Flow AutomationFlow Automation enables you to automate navigational clicks, selection of menu items, auto-fill form fields, and auto-type brief descriptions to minimize errors by auto-performing certain steps of a Flow for your end-users.
Flow Closure FeedbackFlow Closure Feedback enables you to ask for end-user feedback when they manually close the Flow using the close button.
Flow End MessageThe Flow End Message is the pop-up your end-users see after they complete a Flow.
For more information, see Customize the end message of a Flow.
Flow Information pop-upFlow Information pop-up enables you to show users important information before a Flow step.
Flow Level ConfigurationFlow Level Configurations are local configurations that apply to a specific Flow.
For more information, see Customize Flows.
Feature OnboardingFeature Onboarding is a Pop-up template that helps you guide users and help them adopt a new feature of your application/product.
FunnelsFunnels are a series of sequential events that help you analyze and understand how your end users navigate an application process.
For more information, see Funnels.


GroupingGrouping is the ability in Self Help and Task List to group multiple topics under a certain header. Grouped topics appear in Folders.
For more information, see Content Grouping.
Go LiveGo live is the time at which Whatfix content and widgets become available for customer end-users.


InsigniaInsignia is a Pop-up template that enables you to give your users a badge or add your company’s logo to your messages for your users.


KBA Knowledge Base (KB) is a repository that includes support articles, FAQs, and troubleshooting instructions. These can be accessed by customers and employees to find answers to commonly asked questions relating to a product or service without having to ask for help. Some examples of Knowledge Base applications are Confluence, Zendesk, Freshdesk, SharePoint, etc.


Language supportWhatfix supports fonts in over 50 languages.
For more information, see Languages Supported by Whatfix.
Launch Live EditLaunch Live Edit enables you to:
  • re-select elements to show tooltips
  • add additional steps to Flows
  • add Smart Tips or Beacons to an existing collection. 
  • blackout sensitive elements
List ViewThe List View enables you to view more content and detailed information about the content on the Whatfix dashboard in the form of a list.
LRSA Learning Record Store (LRS) stores learning records, allows reporting against the records, and allows for exporting raw learning data. LRSs are a new type of storage system that allows the Experience API (xAPI) to offer a lot of new capabilities, but LRSs don't replace LMSs. The LRS, as defined by the xAPI specification, is “a server (i.e. system capable of receiving and processing web requests) that is responsible for receiving, storing, and providing access to Learning Records”. Taking this a step further, the LRS is designed to enable systems to store and retrieve xAPI statements, store xAPI state, and store various other xAPI metadata from other systems. When considering what an LRS is, it’s important to remember that the S stands for STORE, meaning that the most basic function of an LRS is to store and make available xAPI statements.
LMSA learning Management System (LMS) is software designed specifically to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of educational content. You can use LMSs to train your employees, onboard new hires, retain employee knowledge, and train partners & customers remotely. An LMS helps you:
  • Create: Build online lessons (or eLearning content, as it’s referred to in the industry). You can take individual lessons and turn them into courses. 
  • Deliver: Assign, offer, or sell those courses to employees, partners, customers, or a wider audience. 
  • Monitor: Enroll and manage your training audiences. You can also track and assess their performance.


Meet and GreetMeet and Greet is a Pop-up template that enables you to say hello to your employees or users and send out quick reminders.
Multi-Format OutputThis output enables Whatfix content to be rendered in various formats, including PDFs, videos, slideshows, and articles.
For more information, see Multi Format Outputs.


Nested GroupingNested Grouping is a Self Help feature that enables you to create sub-groups within groups inside Self Help.
For more information, see Content Grouping in Task list.
New Content NotificationNew Content Notification is a Self Help feature that helps you notify your end-users whenever any new content is created and added in the default section of the Self Help.
NudgeThe Task List Nudge feature enables you to prompt your users to complete the Task List that you have compiled for them. Using the Task List Nudge, you can set conditions for the Task List to open automatically when the users visit your page. The primary intent is to remind users about their pending tasks and boost completion rates.


Player (app)
The Whatfix Desktop Player is a desktop app used to display Whatfix engagement widgets and content for the end users of your target Desktop application.
For more information about how to install and use the Player, see How to Install Whatfix Desktop Player.
Pop-upA widget that enables you to display notifications to users in your application.
Preview ModeWhatfix enables you to preview Whatfix content and widgets before publishing them using the Preview Mode option on your Whatfix Editor.
For more information, see Use the Preview Mode on the Whatfix Desktop Editor.
Push to ProductionPush to Production is the act of deploying Whatfix content or widgets for the end-users.
For more information, see Push Whatfix content and widgets to Production.


Quick StartQuick Start is a Pop-up template that helps welcome your end-users to your application.


Rich Text EditorThe Rich Text Editor feature enables you to format content using multiple options and link multimedia content to them.
For more information, see Use the Whatfix Rich Text Editor.


See LiveThe See Live feature enables you to preview specific content on your application.
SegmentationSegmentation helps you display Whatfix Flows that are relevant to users on a particular page.
For more information, see What is Segmentation?
Self HelpSelf Help is a collection of related content displayed to users within your application. The content could include Flows, article links, video links, and help texts. This widget is launched by clicking the Self Help tab on your application. Self Help includes the ability to search and find product-related information.
For more information, see Create Self Help.
Selective CrawlingSelective Crawling is a Content Repository feature that enables you to integrate specific content from your Repository with Whatfix. For example, you can integrate a particular folder or folder path of your OneDrive repository with Whatfix.
Self-Hosted DeploymentIn Self-Hosted Deployment, the Whatfix platform, as well as the content created on it, is hosted on the customer's private server.
For more information, see Self Hosting Whatfix Desktop content.
SLAThe Whatfix Service Level Agreement is a commitment to ensure an average monthly availability greater than 99.9% for all production.
For more information, see Whatfix Service Level Agreement.
Smart AlertsSmart Alert is a Pop-up template that helps you keep your users informed or send them alerts.
Smart Tip CollectionA Smart Tip Collection is a group of Smart Tips created and displayed on a particular page.
Spotlight FeatureThe Spotlight feature is a Flow feature that enables you to get the end user to focus on an element while the rest of the screen is blacked out.
For more information, see Enable the Spotlight feature.
SRISubresource Integrity (SRI) is a standard web security feature that enables browsers to verify that a resource loaded from a CDN is not manipulated when it is delivered to the browser. SRI guarantees the integrity of Whatfix Javascript by ensuring that any changes to end-user-impacting production libraries are validated by the end-user browsers. For more information, see Subresource Integrity (SRI).
SSOSingle Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with two different applications and websites by using just one set of login credentials that is common for both. This eliminates the need to remember the login details of two different applications. SSO minimizes the support tickets received by companies regarding forgotten password/account unlock requests by end-users.
Step Completion RuleStep Completion Rules in a Flow help you define when Whatfix must stop displaying one step and then show the next step of the Flow.
Studio (app)The Whatfix Desktop Studio is a desktop app that enables you to create various types of Whatfix content, such as Flows, Smart Tips, and Beacons. For more information about how to install and use the Studio app, see Installing Whatfix Desktop Studio.
SYSKAStuff You Should Know About (SYSKA) is a Pop-up template that enables you to inform your users about “Terms & Conditions” or “Company Policies & Guidelines”.


Task ListThe Task List is a widget that gives you the ability to assign a list of topics/tasks users must complete as part of a training program, or as a to-do list.
For more information, see What is a Task List?
ThemesThemes dictate the look and feel of various user interfaces. You can configure a Theme globally across the Whatfix platform.
For more information, see Configure Themes and Tooltips.
Translators (user role)The Translator role users can only translate the already created Whatfix Content. There are 3 other roles on the platform. To know more about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
Trend InsightsTrend Insights turn your engagement-related queries like the number of users who have completed Flows, the number of users who have clicked the button on your Pop-up, etc. into actionable insights.
For more information, see Trend Insights.


Term Description
User Actions (UA)User Actions enable you to track your end users' actions and analyze their behavior on your application.
For more information, see User Action.
User AttributeUser Attributes provide information about the characteristics of your users, like who they are, what their role is, which department they belong to, etc.
For more information, see User Attributes.


VideoA Video is one of the possible outputs that can be generated while creating a Flow. Whatfix automatically converts the text in each step to generate and include audio.
For more information, see Whatfix Videos.
Visibility RulesThe Visibility Rules determine where and when Whatfix content is displayed on your application.
For more information, see Visibility and Display Rule Conditions.
VividVivid is a Pop-up template that enables you to engage with your users with a visual message (a video).
VoiceoversA piece of auto-generated narration in a Flow video that does a text-to-speech conversion of the text that you enter in your Tooltip.
For more information, see Add voiceovers to Whatfix videos.


Whatfix Cloud ServerThe Cloud Server was initially used to host all content created on the Whatfix platform. Most customers have transitioned to hosting content on CDN servers to enable a better and faster customer experience.
Whatfix DashboardThe Whatfix Dashboard is where you can perform the following actions:
  • Access all content that has been created by users in your organization. 
  • Access and manage content widgets like Self Help, Pop-ups, Smart tips, Beacons, and Task Lists. 
  • Manage users 
  • Manage tags 
  • Access analytics
  • Manage translations 
  • Manage Tip/Flow configurations
Whatfix Representative
A Whatfix representative is your point of contact once you decide to onboard with us. Your Whatfix representative ensures that you achieve your desired goals by using the Whatfix Digital Adoption Platform.
Whatfix Store
The Whatfix Store is a Chrome store like a repository for Chrome and Edge (Chromium) extensions to reduce the time to update content.
Whatfix Versioning
Whatfix Versioning gives you the option to stay on a particular version or choose to upgrade to the latest version when released.
Widgets are overlays that display on top of an application and are used for a range of use cases, including onboarding, training, change management, and support.

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