- 06 Sep 2024
- 1 Minute To Read
Get User Action Analytics
- Updated On 06 Sep 2024
- 1 Minute To Read
With User Action Analytics, easily track the usage and engagement of User Action events on your application. A default Trend Insight called User Action Analytics serves as a one-stop solution to analyze how end users are engaging with User Actions.
You can add the required user filters, user breakdown, change the metric, chart type, and more, to visualize User Action analytics data as required.
Use the following steps to access User Action Analytics:
- On the Whatfix Analytics dashboard, click Insights.
Search for User Action Analytics insight.
your title goes hereThe Insight shows the following information:
A vertical bar chart with the top 10 engaged User Actions for a particular time period.
A table with all the engaged User Actions for a particular time period.
Click Expand setup to make changes to the Insight.
Add user filters: Click Add user filter to filter users who have completed User Actions based on parameters such as city, country, browser, and more.
For example, filter all users who completed User Actions from United States.
Add user breakdown: Click Add user breakdown to understand the groups of users who completed User Actions.
For example, analyze all users who completed User Actions using any browser.
- Visualize data for only particular User Actions: The default Insight shows the top 10 User Actions. To visualize the data for User Actions of your choice, click Event Filter and then select Event Type. Select the User Actions you want to visualize.

You can also select the required User Actions from the table to visualize them in the chart.
- Change the time period: Select the time frame using the dropdown or the date picker.
- Change the metric: Select the Total events or Unique users metric using the dropdown to visualize the data as required.
- Change the chart type: Select the required Chart type using the dropdown. For more information on the various chart types, see Understand Trend Insights
Scroll down to see the data chart that is generated.
Click Save as to save the changes made to the User Action Analytics Insight in a new Insight.
your title goes here- The filters and breakdowns you add to the User Action Analytics Insight cannot be saved to the same insight.
- Click Export data to download the Insight as a CSV.