How to configure environments and map stages?
  • 20 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute zum Lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf

How to configure environments and map stages?

  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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If you have multiple application instances, Whatfix content might overlap or the desired content may not appear due to conflicting configurations.

Whatfix offers an enahanced environment configuration setup that enables you to define application environments using various application attributes such as URLs, CSS Selectors, Window variables, and more.

It also offers the capability to map content stages to the environments that dictate the content display rules for those environments. This configuration ensures content appears on your application instance for your end-users and can also be used to test content changes.

The mapping conditions you set are similar to Visibility Rules. It determines which content needs to be shown in which instance.


The enhanced environment application configuration is a beta feature and only available for browser extension. To enable this feature, contact

Use the following steps to configure environment and map stages:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  1. Click Content deployment.

  2. In the Configure environment tab, click Add configuration.

  3. Enter a Name for the application environement. For example, Salesforce Opportunities.

  4. Expand Condition 1.

  5. In the dropdown, select a condition.

your title goes here

For more information about adding conditions, refer to Visibility and Display Rule Conditions

  1. Select an operator, such as Equals or Not Equals, and then type in the URL value.
your title goes here

Whatfix enables you to use Regular Expressions (Regex) as a condition. Regular Expressions are used when certain application URL components vary. For example, in ://, the special characters represent hash value and parameters of the URL and is the application domain that you want to display content on.

a. In the dropdown, select Regex equals.

b. Enter a value for the expression.


Use the + Add condition button to add multiple conditions:

  1. Select one of content stage options you want to preview or display content based on the conditions you've set.

  2. Click Configure.


The environment details appear in the Configure environment tab. Use the Edit or Delete options to manage the configuration.

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