Create WCAG compliant Pop-ups
  • 08 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute zum Lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf

Create WCAG compliant Pop-ups

  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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Whatfix strives to provide an inclusive user experience. Efforts towards accessibility and inclusivity are guided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level A and AA success and conformance criteria. Whatfix enables you to create WCAG compliant Pop-ups for end users who use assistive technologies, such as screen readers, or for end users with cognitive disabilities.

What are WCAG compliant Pop-ups?

Although Whatfix widgets are designed with WCAG 2.1, Level A and AA, standards in mind, there may be some content configurations and combinations that when used may result in conflicting experiences with WCAG.

Whatfix Pop-ups that adhere to WCAG compliance ensure that you can continue to create content without any breakage in the accessibility. This also means that regardless of their abilities, end users who use screen readers can experience the same level of help that everyone else experiences.

Without the WCAG feature enabled, all the text on the Pop-up is given the same importance, whereas with the WCAG feature enabled, content authors can see an additional field on the Dashboard for the title of the Pop-up. When the title is populated, the screen reader reads the title first, before reading out the rest of the content.

How to create accessible Whatfix Pop-ups?

The first step to create a Pop-up that follows accessibility guidelines is to contact to enable the WCAG feature on your Whatfix Dashboard. Once the WCAG feature is active on the Whatfix Dashboard, you can see Add title for screen reader visible.



The setting to Add title for screen reader is applicable only for Pop-ups.

Create a regular Pop-up based on the accessibility guidelines. To create a WCAG compliant Pop-up for your end users, refer to the best practices on Pop-ups.

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