Keyboard shortcuts for Whatfix
  • 13 Feb 2025
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Keyboard shortcuts for Whatfix

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Article summary

Whatfix supports assistive technology, including screen readers and quick navigation through keyboard shortcuts. Access the tooltip and widgets using the following keyboard shortcuts:

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Shortcuts for content creators


To do this
Add a step Ctrl+Shift+A
Re-select an elementCtrl+Shift+E
Insert step before the current stepCtrl+Shift+Z
Insert step after the current step Ctrl+Shift+X
Enable or Disable navigation mode on the Studio
Your title goes here

This shortcut enables you to switch on and off the element selection mode.


Shortcuts for end users

Self Help

To do this
Open or close Self Help
The Self Help widget is opened or closed based on the current state of the widget, that is, opened/ or closed.
Go to the Self Help widget in the applicationTab Key
Navigate within the Self Help widget
Open Self Help after navigating to the widget on the applicationEnter Key
Open content within the Self Help widget
Close the Self Help widgetEsc Key

Task List

To do thisUse
Open or close Task List
The Task List widget is opened or closed based on the current state of the widget, that is, opened/closed. Only content creators can use these shortcuts while creating content such as Flows, Smart Tips, Beacons, and more using Whatfix Studio.
Go to the Task List widget in the applicationTab Key
Navigate within the Task List
Open the Task List in the applicationEnter Key

Open a task within the Task List 
Close the Task ListEsc Key


To do this
Go to the tooltip next button
If the tooltip doesn’t have the next or close button, the respective shortcut doesn’t work.
Go to the tooltip close button
If the tooltip doesn’t have the next or close button, the respective shortcut doesn’t work.
Go to the tooltip back button
If the tooltip doesn’t have the back button, the respective shortcut doesn’t work.


To do thisUse
Open the Beacon tooltipCtrl+i
Close the Beacon tooltipEsc Key

Smart Tips

To do this
Open the Smart TipCtrl+i
Go to the Smart Tip close button

If the Smart Tip does not have a close button, use the Tab Key to move to the next element.


Keyboard shortcuts for Mac

Shortcuts for content creators


To do this
Add a step Ctrl+Shift+A
Re-select an elementCtrl+Shift+E
Insert step before the current stepCtrl+Shift+Z
Insert step after the current step Ctrl+Shift+X
Enable/Disable navigation mode on the Studio
Your title goes here
This shortcut enables you to switch on and off the element selection mode.

Shortcuts for end users

Self Help

To do this
Open/close Self Help
The Self Help widget is opened or closed based on the current state of the widget, that is, opened/closed.
Go to the Self Help widget in the applicationTab Key
Navigate within the Self Help widget
Open Self Help after navigating to the widget on the applicationEnter Key
Open content within the Self Help widget
Close the Self Help widgetEsc Key

Task List

To do thisUse
Open/close Task List
The Task List widget is opened or closed based on the current state of the widget, that is, opened/closed.

Go to the Task List widget in the applicationTab Key
Navigate within the Task List
Open the Task List in the applicationEnter Key
Open a task within the Task List
Close the Task ListEsc Key


To do thisUse
Go to the tooltip next button
If the tooltip doesn’t have the next or close button, the respective shortcut doesn’t work.
Go to the tooltip close button
If the tooltip doesn’t have the next or close button, the respective shortcut doesn’t work.
Go to the tooltip back button
If the tooltip doesn’t have the back button, the respective shortcut doesn’t work.


To do thisUse
Open the Beacon tooltip                                                                                                           Ctrl+i
Close the Beacon tooltip                                                                                                               Esc Key                                

Smart Tips

To do thisUse
Open the Smart TipCtrl+i
Go to the close button of the Smart Tip

If the Smart Tip does not have a close button, use the Tab Key to move to the next element.


  • Whatfix enterprise accounts created after February 9, 2017 have the keyboard shortcut enabled by default.
  • For accounts created before February 9, 2017, the shortcuts would not be enabled by default. Use the following integration script to enable the shortcut feature.
Window._wfx_settings = { "theme": { "help_key" : "87, " Tip_close_key": "81, "tip_next_key" : "78 } };
  • Shortcut keys can override the default keys with the above integration script. As per common guidelines, "alt" is fixed and cannot be changed. The end user has to provide only keyboard key codes for the corresponding keys.

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