Add Dimensions and Filters to create Whatfix reports in GA4
  • 02 Sep 2024
  • 3 Minutes To Read
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Add Dimensions and Filters to create Whatfix reports in GA4

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Article summary

In Google Analytics (GA4), reports have to be created manually to visualize the Whatfix events analytics data. 15 reports need to be created with different Dimensions, metrics, and filters. These reports help you track Whatfix content and widget usage.

Your title goes here
For more information on how to create a sample report, see Create Whatfix reports in Google Analytics (GA4)
The following table shows all the reports with the Dimensions, metrics, and filters to be added:
Your title goes here
While adding filters, some expressions may have a dot (.) in the beginning. For example, .*myflows.*. Ensure that you copy the correct expression with the dot from the table to get accurate data.

Reports for Beacon, Task List, Self Help and Pop-up

Name of the report   DimensionsMetrics        RowsValuesFilters
Beacon Loaded
  • flow_title
  • Page path and screen class
  • user

  • Views
  • Total users

  • flow_title
  • Page path and screen class
  • user

Total users

Dimension: flow_title

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression: -

Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /beacon/(clicked|loaded).*

Whatfix Task Lists - Completed Users
  • segment_name
  • flow_title
  • user
  • unq_id
  • src_id
  • Page path and screen class

  • Views
  • Total users

  • segment_name
  • flow_title
  • user
  • unq_id

Total users

Dimension: src_id

Select match type: exactly matches

Enter expression: tasker

Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: ^(/flow/(live|view)/end.*|/(link|video|text)/(live|view)/start)$

Whatfix Task Lists - Assigned Users
  • segment_name
  • user
  • unq_id
  • src_id

  • Views
  • Total users

  • segment_name
  • user
  • unq_id


Dimension: src_id

Select match type: exactly matches

Enter expression: tasker

Whatfix Smart Tips
  • flow_title
  • step_id
  • hostname 
  • Page path and screen class

  • flow_title
  • step_id


Dimension: hostname

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression:

Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /smart_tip/live/step.*

Whatfix Self Help - Search ResultsPage path and screen classViewsPage path and screen classViews


Page path and screen class

Select match type: does not match regex

Enter expression: .*myflows.*

Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: .*flows.*

Whatfix Self Help - Queries Served
  • flow_title
  • Page path and screen class
  • src_id
  • flow_title
  • Page path and screen class


Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /.*/start$

Dimension: src_id

Select match type: exactly matches

Enter expression: widget

Dimension: flow_title

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression: -


Page path and screen class

Select match type: does not match regex

Enter expression: branch

Whatfix Self Help - Most Help Sought Pages
  • on_id
  • Page path and screen class


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: exactly matches

Enter expression: /widget

Dimension: on_id

Select match type: does not match regex

Enter expression: .*_widget_wfx_=.*

Whatfix Self Help - Effectiveness of Contents
  • Page path and screen class
  • src_id
  • flow_title
  • hostname

  • Page path and screen class 
  • flow_title


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /.*/(live|view)/(start|end)$

Dimension: src_id

Select match type: does not exactly match 

Enter expression: widget

Dimension: flow_title

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression: -

Dimension: hostname

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression:

Whatfix Pop-Ups
  • Page path and screen class
  • src_id
  • segment_name

  • Page path and screen class 
  • src_id
  • segment_name


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression:/popup/clicked/

Reports for Flows

Name of the reportDimensionsMetricsRowsValuesFilters
Whatfix Flows - Most Failed Steps
  • Page path and screen class
  • src_id
  • flow_title
  • hostname

  • flow_title
  • Page path and screen class


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /flow/(live|view)/miss.*

Dimension: src_id

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: ^(popup|smart_popup|tasker|url|widget|end_popup|guided_popup|smart_tip|beacon|blog|deck|js)$

Dimension: flow_title

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression: -

Dimension: hostname

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression:

Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: does not match regex

Enter expression: autoheal

Whatfix Flows - Most Exited Steps
  • Page path and screen class
  • src_id
  • flow_title
  • hostname

  • flow_title
  • Page path and screen class


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /flow/(live|view)/(close|flow_change).*

Dimension: src_id

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: ^(popup|smart_popup|tasker|url|widget|end_popup|guided_popup|smart_tip|beacon|blog|deck|js)$

Dimension: flow_title

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression: -

Dimension: hostname

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression:

Whatfix Flows - Completion Rate
  • flow_title
  • src_id
  • Page path and screen class
  • hostname

  • flow_title
  • src_id
  • Page path and screen class


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /flow/(live|view)/(end|start)

Dimension: src_id

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: ^(popup|smart_popup|tasker|url|widget|end_popup|guided_popup|smart_tip|beacon|blog|deck|js)$

Dimension: flow_title

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression: -

Dimension: hostname

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression:

Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: does not match regex

Enter expression: branch

Whatfix Flows - Feedback & Comments
  • Page path and screen class
  • src_id
  • flow_title

  • flow_title
  • Page path and screen class


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /flow/feedback/.*

Dimension: src_id

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: ^(popup|smart_popup|tasker|url|widget|end_popup|guided_popup|smart_tip|beacon|blog|deck|js)$

Dimension: flow_title

Select match type: does not exactly match

Enter expression: -

Whatfix Content - Creation/Modified History
  • Date
  • Page path and screen class
  • flow_title
  • user_name

  • Date
  • Page path and screen class
  • flow_title
  • user_name


Dimension: Page path and screen class

Select match type: matches regex

Enter expression: /.*/edit/publish

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