Improve Element Selection using Visual Cues
  • 19 Nov 2024
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Improve Element Selection using Visual Cues

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Article summary

Have you ever encountered issues with correctly capturing elements on a webpage? The presence of multiple similar elements can make it difficult to accurately select the intended element. This leads to incorrect positioning of content or widgets.

With Visual Cues, Whatfix enables you to see the strength of the element that is being captured. This also lets you understand how well the element is identified and selected by Whatfix. If an element is weak or difficult to identify accurately, Whatfix displays a message indicating that the element isn’t reliable for attaching content. This enables you to either select a different element or contact support for further assistance. This ensures that only the right elements are being captured and content shows up when it's supposed to.

your title goes here

Visual Cues do not show up each time you select an element. It shows up when Whatfix finds some issues with the element. If you see Visual Cues every time you select an element, it may be related to some underlying webpage issues. Contact to understand more.

your title goes here

Visual Cues work for all content types across all applications, except Salesforce Lightning.

How is the strength of an element determined?

The strength of an HTML element on a webpage is determined by the uniqueness and specificity of its identifiers, attributes, or selectors. Strong elements are easily and accurately identified and selected by Whatfix due to their unique attributes, such as unique ids, classes, and more. Examples of strong elements include buttons or divs with unique identifiers like button[id="Save"] or div[data-automation-id="Production"].

In contrast, weak elements lack these unique identifiers, making them difficult for Whatfix to accurately detect and select. This often occurs on pages with multiple similar elements, such as a long form with many input fields that do not have unique attributes. As a result, Whatfix may struggle to identify the intended element, potentially causing content or widgets to display incorrectly during content play.

Use the following steps to use Visual Cues on your application:

  1. Log in to the application where you want to create content, and then launch the Whatfix Studio.

  2. Select the type of content or widget you want to create.

  3. While selecting the element, if Whatfix is unable to identify any unique properties for the selected element, an error message shows up on Studio.
    error message visual cues .png

  4. Either click Proceed anyway to proceed with the weak element, Reselect the element, or Contact support for help.

your title goes here

If you choose to proceed with the weak element, Whatfix saves the relevant weak element metadata and lets you continue with content creation. However, steps created on such elements may have issues during content play.

  1. Complete creating your content or widget as you normally would.

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