Studio Best Practices
  • 20 Jun 2024
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Studio Best Practices

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Article summary

Pin the Studio extension

After installing Studio, ensure that you pin the extension to the browser toolbar to access it. This ensures easy access.

Refresh the browser after enabling or disabling Preview mode

You can use the Preview mode to test content on your application. Ensure that you refresh the browser after enabling or disabling Preview mode.

Get access to the account where you want to create content

If Whatfix is deployed on multiple applications in your organization, each application gets its own Whatfix account or dashboard. Ensure that you have access to the accounts where you want to create content using Studio. Switch between the accounts in Studio to create content wherever required.

Use the respective region's Studio for content creation

Sometimes, you may have both US and EU Whatfix accounts to create content based on the regions. Both US and EU Whatfix accounts have their own Studio plugins to create content. If you're creating content for the US account, use the Whatfix Studio US plugin. If you're creating content for the EU account, use the Whatfix Studio EU plugin. For more information on installing the US or EU Studio plugin, see How to install Whatfix Studio?

Enable or disable Studio based on the account for which you’re creating content

If you have access to Studio plugins for both US and EU regions, you can only access a specific region's Studio at a time to create and edit content. When working with both US and EU Studio simultaneously, it is recommended that you disable the Studio extension that is not in use. For more information, see Can I use both US and EU Studio Editors simultaneously?

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