Resume a Flow after closing it
  • 14 Mar 2024
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Resume a Flow after closing it

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Article summary

Whatfix enables you to show a Resume Flow option every time your end users manually close the Flow using the close icon. They are shown a toast message to resume the Flow in case they have closed it by mistake.

your title goes here

To enable the Flow Closure Resume feature, contact

your title goes here

The toast message disappears after 5 seconds.

Configure the Flow Closure Resume pop-up

You can configure the Flow Close Resume pop-up at a Global level and at a Flow level.

Configure the Flow Close Resume pop-up at a Global level

Use the following steps to configure the Flow Closure Resume pop-up at a Global level:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Style.

  2. Click Flows.

  1. Go to the Flow Close Message tab.
    Flow_navigate to the Flow close message

  2. Select the Flow Close Message checkbox.
    Flow_closure_message checkbox

  3. In the Flow Close Message, you can make the following configurations:

  • Change the style, alignment, size, and color of the text in the Flow closure Resume pop-up
  • Enable or disable the 'X' on the Pop-up.
  • Change the 'X' color
  • Change the Button Color
    Flow closure resume_configurations
  1. Click Save.
    Flow closure resume_save

Configure the Flow Close Resume pop-up at a Flow level

Use the following steps to configure the Flow Close Message at a Flow level:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click Flows.

  3. Hover your cursor over the required Flow, and then click the Edit icon.

  4. Click Customize.

  1. Go to the Flow Close Message tab.
    Flow_navigate to the Flow close message

  2. Select the Flow Close Message checkbox.
    Flow_closure_message checkbox

  3. In the Flow Close Message, you can make the following configurations:

  • Change the style, alignment, size, and color of the text in the Flow closure Resume pop-up.

  • Enable or disable the 'X' on the Pop-up.

  • Change the 'X' color

  • Change the Button Color
    Flow closure resume_configurations

    your title goes here

    You cannot change the text of the Toast message.

  1. Click Save.
    Flow closure resume_save

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