Troubleshoot Pop-ups using Whatfix Diagnostics
  • 07 Mar 2025
  • 3 Minutes To Read
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Troubleshoot Pop-ups using Whatfix Diagnostics

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Article summary


Whatfix Diagnostics is a Beta feature. To enable this, contact

Consider that you have created a Pop-up on your application. When you preview the Pop-up, it doesn’t appear as expected. You try to debug it but are unsure what went wrong or how to fix it. With the Whatfix Diagnostics Panel, identify issues with Pop-ups, understand why they aren’t working, and follow actionable insights to resolve them.

Use the following steps to access the Whatfix Diagnostics panel:

  1. Go to the page where you want to troubleshoot your content and launch Studio.

  2. Click Preview Mode.

  3. Click Enter and then refresh the browser.


    If the content you want to preview is in the Draft stage, then select the Include Draft content and widgets. checkbox.

  4. To enable the Whatfix Diagnostics Panel, press Option+ Shift+ D (on Mac OS) or Alt+ Shift+ D (on Windows OS) on your keyboard.

    Once enabled, Whatfix Diagnostics Panel helps you view all the relevant content and widgets for that page.


    Consider that you have created multiple pieces of content across your application. When testing the content on different pages, you would expect the content to appear on the correct page or section.

    To help you identify the content that is applicable to appear on a specific page, the Diagnostics panel categorizes content into two sections:

    • On this page: Lists content and widgets that are configured to appear on the current page. This includes content that has a valid URL or page tag condition that matches the current page.

    • Not on this page: Lists content and widgets that doesn’t appear on the current page. This could possibly be due to a condition mismatch, such as an incorrect URL, an invalid page tag, or incorrect widget visibility rules.

    These sections act as a built-in filter, helping you identify missing content and troubleshoot issues more efficiently.

    • Use the Search bar to find specific content or widgets.

  5. Expand the Pop-ups accordion and click Diagnose on the Pop-up you want to troubleshoot.


    Whatfix evaluates Pop-up widgets on the page and displays the status as Displayed or Not Displayed.


Whatfix Diagnostics uses different statuses to describe the current state of each step or content.

Expand the accordion to understand the workflow in the Diagnostics Panel.

Understand the workflow in Whatfix Diagnostics Panel

When you enable the Diagnostics Panel, Whatfix begins evaluating the content and widgets configured for the page.
As you interact with the content or widget, Whatfix updates the status at each step, helping you understand what is working and what is not.

Success path: When widget works as expected


What does this mean?


Whatfix displays the Pop-up, provided all conditions are met.

Not Found path: When widget does not appear


What does this mean?

Not Displayed

Whatfix does not display the Pop-up. This happens due to reasons such as Visibility rules failure or low Pop-up precedence.

If a Pop-up shows the status Not Displayed, it means Whatfix does not display the widget on the page. For example, you can see a Visibility rule failure error message, it means that Whatfix does not display the Pop-up because of some of the Visibility Rules conditions weren’t met. To troubleshoot this issue, follow the suggested resolution steps in the panel.

Click the following accordion to view the error message, their meanings, and the steps to resolve the issue.

Error message, their meanings, and steps to resolve them


Error Message

What does this mean?

What can you do?

Not Displayed

Visibility rule mismatch or failure

Whatfix cannot display the widget because some of the Visibility rule conditions aren’t met.

Review the Visibility rule conditions and make any necessary modifications. If the issue persists, contact

Precedence issue

Whatfix cannot display the widget because another widget took priority during evaluation.

Go to the Whatfix dashboard and ensure that only one widget is live on the page.

Occurrence exhausted

Whatfix cannot display the widget as it has already been displayed for the set number of times.

Increase the set occurrence for the widget and try again.

  1. Resolve the issue using the error message.

  1. Once resolved, the status updates to Displayed, and the Pop-up works as intended.

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