Understand Whatfix's Local Storage and Session Storage keys
  • 19 Dec 2024
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Understand Whatfix's Local Storage and Session Storage keys

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The base application on which Whatfix is embedded uses Browser Storage tools, such as Local Storage and Session Storage to remember data between browser sessions. This helps in keeping track of information for different purposes as explained in the table below.

The data is stored in the following scenarios:

  • When you play or edit Whatfix content

  • To track content engagement history

  • To track the number of times a widget is shown to the user, and so on.

The following table contains the various properties or keys used in Local and Session Storages:


Keys related to specific content or widgets are stored only when the respective content or widgets are used. For example, if an organization does not use Pop-ups, the keys associated with the widget are not stored.




Key present for end users? 

Used during content creation or in Preview mode?

disable_move_stateTo play the Flow across tabs, URLs, and continue the Flow after a page refresh, we maintain the Flow state to prevent the move state from being disabled.

Usage: For Flow Move states
Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYesYes

To play the Flow across tabs, URLs, and continue the Flow after a page refresh, we maintain the flow state to ensure its continuity.

Usage: For Move state of Flows in JS Embed

Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYesNo
last_tracked_stepTo play the Flow across tabs, URLs, and continue the Flow after a page refresh, we maintain the flow state to ensure its continuity.

Usage: For Move state of Flows in JS Embed
Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYesNo
lightningPopupShown-<userEmail>When a new Lightning version is released, a Pop-up is shown to logged-in users opening the editor on a Salesforce page. The Pop-up displays the release timeline and impact, and is tracked through their Whatfix login email to ensure it's shown only once. This applies to content creators on the Salesforce page only.

Usage: Lightning Release Popup
play_positionTo play the Flow across tabs, URLs, and continue the Flow after a page refresh, we maintain the flow state to ensure its continuity.

Usage: For Move state of Flows in JS Embed
Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYesNo
play_stateTo play the Flow across tabs, URLs, and continue the Flow after a page refresh, we maintain the flow state to ensure its continuity.

Usage: Content play-state for Flow, Beacon, Smart Tip
Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYesYes
previous_statesTo play the Flow across tabs, URLs, and continue the Flow after a page refresh, we maintain the flow state to ensure its continuity.

Usage: Content play-state for Flow, Beacon, Smart Tip
Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYesNo
<popupKey:userId>In offline mode, the data is not queried from the Whatfix database. Instead, the system's local storage is used to store the Beacon view count. This count determines whether the Beacon is shown or hidden based on the configured Visibility Rules.

Usage: Pop-up View Count
seenIt tracks whether the embed exists within the application.

Usage: Whatfix Embed's presence
seen_stateIt stores the state (new or already viewed) of the content to identify new content in Self Help.

Usage: New Notification for unseen content in Self Help
Self HelpYesYes
skipped_stepsIt shows the number of steps skipped when launching a Flow. Smart Context uses this to display the most relevant steps. Based on this value, we modify the step count in the tip. For example, if a 10 step Flow skips 2 steps, we show Step 1 of 8 instead of Step 3 of 10.

Usage: For Flow Auto Skipping
Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYes
tab_stackTo play the Flow across tabs, URLs, and continue the Flow after a page refresh, we maintain the flow state to ensure its continuity.

Usage: For Move state of Flows in JS Embed
Flow, Beacon, Smart TipYesNo
ua_popup_cacheIt is a local storage key used to store goal IDs, which are marked upon the completion of a user action.

Usage: For goal based User Actions. Stores Flow ID of the widget or goal that is attached to the User Action.
User ActionsYesYes
wf_beaconCountDataIn offline mode, the data is not queried from the Whatfix database. Instead, the system's local storage is used to store the Beacon view count. This count determines whether the Beacon is shown or hidden based on the configured Visibility Rules.

Usage: Beacons
BeaconsYes (Offline mode)No
wf_beaconViewCountIn offline mode, the data is not queried from the Whatfix database. Instead, the system's local storage is used to store the Beacon view count. This count determines whether the Beacon is shown or hidden based on the configured Visibility Rules.

Usage: Stores Beacon view count for a particular user in offline mode
BeaconsYes (Offline mode)No
wf_completed_segments_<userId>Flow IDs are stored in the completed segments.

Usage: Task List Completed Segments
Task ListYesYes
wf_completedTasksIt stores the Flow ID of the Flows or content used in the Task List.

Usage: Stores the Self Help User Preferences such as the position
Task ListYesYes
wf_preferencesIt stores the Task List and Self Help position, along with their open or closed state for the specific session.

Usage: Stores the Self Help User Preferences such as the position
Self HelpNoNo
wf_tl_nudge_<segmentId>_<userId>It stores the nudge-related details, such as when to show the nudges and whether repetition is necessary.

Usage: Nudge Counters in Task List
Task ListYesYes
wfx_analytics_user_properties_piiIt is a local storage key used to store PII user properties set through the Advanced customization script.

Usage: Personally Identifiable Information (PII) part of User Properties are stored in _wfx_analytics_user_properties_pii to send an event only when existing properties are changed.
Analytics - User DetectionYesYes
wfx_app_user_extIt is a 16-character alphanumeric string stored in the browser extension to track users anonymously across different applications. It is stored only in the browser extension's background storage.

Usage: User Identification storage in Extension Background. Used in Extension background.
Analytics - User Detection(Only Chrome mv3)YesNo
wfx_ext_user_idIt is a 16-character alphanumeric string stored in the browser extension to anonymously track users across various applications.

Usage: Extension userId stored both in the Extension Background and embed local Storage.
wfx_popup_<segment_id>$<user_id>Loading the Pop-up count or last seen from the API is resource-intensive. So, Whatfix stores the Pop-up view count for each user, which is valid for only 5 minutes.

Usage: Caches Pop-up count and last seen
wfx_popup_minimizedIt is used to save the segment ID of the currently minimized Survey and handle page refreshes while the Survey is minimized.

Usage: Stores the Survey minimized details

wfx_survey_titleIt is used to retrieve the title of the minimized Survey to display in the minimized bar.

Usage: Survey Title
Survey (per Survey)YesYes
wfx_unqIt is a 16-character alphanumeric string stored against the application domain to anonymously track users.

Usage: User Detection
_wfx_analytics_user_propertiesIt is a local storage key used to store user properties set through the Advanced customization script.

Usage: User properties are stored in _wfx_analytics_user_properties to send events only when existing properties are changed.
Analytics - User DetectionYesYes
_wfx_close_feedback_shown_flowsTo display the feedback pop-up for a Flow or the resume pop-up, the feedback pop-up is shown only once per user per flow. After that, the resume pop-up is displayed.

Usage: Flow Closure Feedback, that is, show feedback pop-up only once per user for a particular Flow.
Flow ClosureYesYes
_wfx_event_batching_stateIt is a local storage key used to store the state of the batching queue. The values are OPEN and PROCESSING.

Usage: Maintains the status of event batching
_wfx_event_no_<trackerName>It is a local storage key used to track the event count per tracker.

Usage: Stores Beacon view count for a particular user in offline mode.
_wfx_GDrive_access_token_will_expireIt stores the expiry time of the GDrive access token.

Usage: Self Help Google Drive Integration
Self HelpYesYes
_wfx_GDrive_refresh_tokenThis stores the refresh token used for calling the GDrive APIs.

Usage: Self Help Google Drive Integration
Self HelpYesYes
_wfx_logged_uaIt is a local storage key used to store User Action performance logs for sending to the observer for debugging.

Usage: Stores a list of User Actions for which perf events are sent.
User ActionsYesYes
_wfx_retry_q_stateIt is a local storage key used to store the state of the retry queue. The values are OPEN and PROCESSING.

Usage: Maintains the state of _wfx_unsent_events. This holds the status of events in Local storage (Pending/Processing).
_wfx_sh_nudge_detailsStores the Task List nudge details such as nudge count, nudge evaluation time, last reset timestamp, and more.

Usage: Stores Self Help nudge related details, that is, when to show the nudges and if it needs to be repeated.
Self HelpYesYes
_wfx_taskerIt stores the timestamp of the last Task List refresh.

Usage: Stores Task List's last refresh timestamp
Task ListYes
_wfx_unsent_eventsIt is a local storage key used to store events that failed to send, for retrying next time.

Usage: Retry Mechanism for unsent analytics events
<wfx_unq>: [All Surveys submitted by the user]For public Surveys, Whatfix store whether a user has submitted a Survey or not based on its wfx_unq value. If the wfx_unq value is not present, Whatfix generates one.

Usage: For public Surveys, Whatfix stores the following data: whether a particular user has submitted a Survey or not based on its wfx_unq value. If the wfx_unq value is not present, Whatfix generates a new value. Example: NPDZdKhyF53C1N8T: ["55a850f1-4f1f-4ae7-b3e1-8c54ed0f97a0","55a850f1-4f1f-4ae7-b3e1-8c54ed0f97a0"]
_wfx_widget_actions_countIt is used to store the count of Self Help animations, nudges, tips, and graceful exit tips.

Usage: Stores the Self Help information tip count, animation count, and graceful exit information tip count for a particular user.

Keys that already have an ENT-ID prefix or suffix

AIChartDataUsed for View in Trend Insight feature of Analytics DashboardAnalytics InsightsNoNo
analytics_insights_guidance_dashboardUsed in the Whatfix Dashboard for switching between dashboards and debugging.Analytics InsightsNoNo
analytics_dashboard_v2Used in the Whatfix Dashboard for switching between dashboards and debugging.
Analytics Insights
cohorts_by_user_idCaches the response of the cohort by user ID API used in visibility rules.

<entId>_wfx_app_user_name_integrationIt is a local storage key used to store the user ID set through the Advanced customization script. The value is encrypted.

Usage: User Detection (reading both older and existing formats in code)
<entId>_wfx_app_user_name_monitorIt is a local storage key used to store the user ID set via the monitor. The value is encrypted.

Usage: User Detection (reading both older and existing formats in code)
_wf_last_sh_open_time_<entId>Stores the last open time of Self Help to manage the closed notification feature.

Usage: Stores the last opened time of Self Help.
Self HelpYesYes
_wfx_sh_search_history_<entId>Stores the search history to show the recent searches for the user.

Usage: Stores the end user’s last search history.
Self HelpYesYes
_wfx_sh_open_state_<entId>Stores the content's metadata which was opened last, so that it can be restored when opened again.

Usage: Stores the last state (open/close) of Self Help.
Self HelpYesYes
wf_sh_notification_<entId>Stores the total content count, Knowledge Base integration type, and the last shown timestamp of the closed notification animation.

Usage: To show the new content notification banner in Self Help.
Self HelpYesYes
wfx:<ent_id>:<icon_id>To enhance icon loading speed and prevent performance issues from repeated API calls, we cache the icon data. This approach reduces the need for multiple requests, thereby improving application performance.

Usage: Used for caching the beacon, smart tip and launcher icons.
Beacon, Launcher and Smart TipsYesYes

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