What are Smart Tips?
  • 01 Jul 2024
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What are Smart Tips?

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Article summary

Smart Tips enable you to provide contextual information to your end users on elements that need additional details, while using an application. For example, use Smart Tips to help your end users fill specific fields in a complex form that might be confusing for them.
Smart Tips can be set to appear either when your end users hover their cursor over the selected element or as an i icon next to the element.

Here's an example of a Smart Tip

Smart tip2

Use Cases

Here are some use cases for which you can create Smart Tips,

  • Guide your end users- Use Help Tips to guide your end users throughout your application by providing additional information for an application element or a form field. For example, use Help Tips to guide your end users to enter dates in the correct date format by providing a Tip with an example next to the form field.

  • Validate your end-user's inputs- Provide real-time validation for various form fields that prevents your end users from making any mistakes before submitting a form. For example, use Validation Tips to validate if your end users enter a valid 10-digit mobile number or email ID in a particular format. Validation Tips disappear once your end users enter the correct details.

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