Embed a Flow as Slideshow
  • 30 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes To Read
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Embed a Flow as Slideshow

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Article summary

One of the outputs that can be generated from a Whatfix Flow is a slideshow. Slideshows can be embedded into an article in your knowledge base. The advantage with slideshows is that whenever there is a UI change on your application, all you need to do is update the associated Flow. The slideshow content is auto-updated in your knowledge base. Users can see the Flow as a slideshow or run them live.

Below is a sample illustrating Flow as a slideshow:

your title goes here

Generate Whatfix slideshows for a Flow in any stage, be it in Draft, Ready, or Production. To generate the slideshow, go to the respective stage and follow the steps mentioned in this article.

Use the following steps to embed a slideshow:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click All content.

  3. Click the required Flow.
    CLM_Flows_pdf export

  4. Click the Embed dropdown menu.

  1. Click Slideshow.

  2. Select the language in which you want to display the slideshow content.

your title goes here

This option is available only if you have translated the content in a different language in Translations. If not, skip this step.

  1. Configure the appearance and the order of your slideshow using the options available.

  2. Depending on the environment and format that you are working on, copy the respective HTML code.

  3. Paste the copied code in your content in the place where you want to display the slideshow.

  • Changes made to the task are automatically reflected in the embedded slideshow once the associated Flow is updated.

  • If you use CDN servers, you need to move your changes to the Production stage before the updates are visible in multi formats.

  • The first page of the slideshow provides the slideshow details.

Customize the size of the slideshows

By changing the following attributes in the div element, control the slideshow size:

While using the Div Embed options:

data-size = "custom"

data-height = ""

data-width = ""

Div Embed

Sample div: <div data-href="//" data-flow="<flow_id>" data-suggest="1" data-size="custom" data-height="700" data-width="850"></div>

While using the iFrame Embed options:

Modify the height and width properties of the inline CSS of the iFrame element.

Add height and width properties to the URL parameters.

Add "custom" at the beginning of the URL hash.

iFrame Embed


  • If you are using an image in the description field, there are chances that some parts of the image may get cut off in certain output formats.

  • Content is cut off in the article embed format if you have more than 350 characters in the description.

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