Why are the moved Content and Widgets disabled?
  • 30 Oct 2024
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Why are the moved Content and Widgets disabled?

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Article summary


You are trying to move content/widgets across stages but their movement is disabled.

Probable Cause

When you move Whatfix content or widgets across stages, the content or widgets are disabled till the move is complete. For example, let’s assume you move content from Ready stage to the Production stage. The Flow would appear grayed out for a while and Whatfix prevents you from performing any other content or widget movement until the current process is complete.

Suggested Solution

Whatfix notifies you about the availability of this content on their respective stages in your registered email and also in the notification center on the CLM dashboard. Whatfix notifies you about all the content or widget movements and Push to Production details in your inbox.
moved to draft.png

Once you get the email, you can move content again between stages.

your title goes here

If the issue persists, contact

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