Pause and play the mirroring process
  • 14 Jan 2025
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Pause and play the mirroring process

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Article summary

Whatfix Mirror enables you to pause and play the screen capture process while creating a simulation of an application. This prevents discarding and restarting lengthy screen capture processes due to unintended actions, such as opening an incorrect menu. Pause allows correction by navigating to the required menu before resuming at the exact step. It can also omit unwanted element captures, such as pop-up windows or advertisements.

Use the following steps to pause or play a Mirror capture:

  1. Log in to the application where you want to create a Mirror, and then launch the Whatfix Studio.

  2. Click Mirror.

  3. Click Start Mirroring.

  4. Select the UI element that you want to capture.

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  • Whatfix Mirror uses each UI element to capture a screen. A Mirror screen cannot have multiple UI elements.
  • Based on your requirement, you can choose to select multiple UI elements as a sequence of screens. Whatfix Mirror then displays the screens in the order of capture. If you want to change the order of the mirror screens, see Manually link a Mirror screen
  1. Click the Pause icon to pause the Mirror capture.

  2. To continue with the screen capture, click the Play icon.

  3. Click the Done icon.

  4. Enter a name for the Mirror workflow.

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If you want to add additional screens, click Add more screens.

  1. Click the Back icon to return to the Mirror workspace in Whatfix Studio.
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The Mirrored screens are automatically saved in a Mirror workflow. The workflow appears under the Mirror workspace in the Whatfix Studio. For more information, see Create a Mirror.

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