Add or generate Audio for your in-app experience
  • 27 Feb 2025
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Add or generate Audio for your in-app experience

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Article summary

Add or generate audio for Whatfix Widgets in multiple languages to provide end users with visual and auditory support in their preferred language.


For more information about the languages supported by Whatfix Mobile, see Multilingual Audio Support.

To upload Audio for your project

Use the following steps to upload audio for your project:

  1. On the Whatfix Mobile Dashboard, select the app in which the project is present.
    mobile_select the app

  2. Select the project to which you want to add audio.
    mobile_select project

  3. Click Design.
    mobile_click design

  4. On the right side, under the LANGUAGE SUPPORT section, click + Language and add the languages.
    mobile_add language


The default language is English.

  1. Click the element on the screen, and then in the left pane, click Audio.
    mobile_add audio_audio

  2. Click Upload and select the required audio file from your device.
    2023-03-29_18-08-56 1.gif

To generate Audio for your project

Use the following steps to generate Audio for your project:

  1. On the Whatfix Mobile Dashboard, select the app in which the project is present.
    mobile_select the app

  2. Select the project to which you want to add audio.
    mobile_select project

  3. Click Design.
    mobile_click design

  4. On the right side, under the LANGUAGE SUPPORT section, click +Language and add the languages.
    mobile_add language


The default language is English.

  1. Click the element on the screen, and then in the left pane, click Audio.
    mobile_add audio_audio

  2. Click the Generate button.
    mobile_generate audio

  3. In the text box, add the required text.
    mobile_enter text_audio files

  4. Click Generate.
    Mobile_geneate audio file

  • Whatfix Mobile supports text written only in the Latin alphabets.
  • For other languages, use any transliteration service available online and paste it in the text box.

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