Do widget occurrences get exhausted if you preview the widget?
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Do widget occurrences get exhausted if you preview the widget?

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Article summary

Yes, if you set an occurrence for a Whatfix widget and preview the widget before pushing it to Production, the occurrence count does get exhausted, for you.


Whatfix enables users to set the occurrence count for Whatfix Pop-ups, Beacons, and Task Lists.

For example, create a Pop-up and set its occurrence to 1. Before you push it to Production, preview it using the Preview Mode to check whether it displays correctly. Once you preview the Pop-up, your view count is set to 1, and the Pop-up is marked as done. When you push the Pop-up to production, it appears for all other users, except for you because you have already viewed it once.


Analytics data is not visible for widgets that are viewed or interacted with using the Preview Mode.

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