Can Whatfix capture the CSS selector of an element?
  • 27 Jun 2024
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Can Whatfix capture the CSS selector of an element?

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Article summary

Yes, Whatfix can capture the CSS selector of an element using Studio in the following two cases:

  • While adding a Branching rule to a Flow step.
  • While adding a Display Rule to content.

Use the following steps to capture the CSS Selector using Whatfix Studio:

Capture CSS Selector while Branching

  1. Launch the Whatfix Studio, create a Flow, and then click the branching icon.
    clm_branching icon
your title goes here

For more information, see Add a branch to a Flow

  1. Click Create Branch.
    clm_branching revamp_create branch

  2. Under Branching conditions, click Add Rule.
    clm_branching_add rule1

  3. Select Action Element Is rule using the dropdown.
    clm_branching_action element is

  4. Select the Select Element option from the dropdown instead of CSS Selector.
    clm_branching_select element

  5. Click Select.
    clm_branching_select button

  6. Click the element for which you wish to find a CSS Selector in the application's UI.

  • Whatfix captures the CSS Selector of the element automatically.
  • To verify the selected element click the View icon.
    clm_branching_view icon

Capture CSS Selector while configuring Display Rules

  1. Launch Whatfix Studio, create the content, and then go to the ADVANCED OPTIONS section.
    clm_css_advanced options

  2. Expand the Display Rules dropdown, and then click Add Rule.
    clm_css_add rule

  3. Select the Other Element on Page option from the dropdown.
    clm_css_other elements on page

  4. Select the Select Element option in the dropdown instead of CSS Selector.
    clm_css_select element

your title goes here
  1. Click Select.
    clm_css_select button

  2. Click the element for which you wish to find a CSS Selector in the application's UI.

  • Whatfix captures the CSS Selector of the element automatically.
  • To verify the selected element, click the View icon.
    clm_css_view icon

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