Virtual Desktop installation: Deploy Player on Citrix/AVD
  • 14 Aug 2024
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Virtual Desktop installation: Deploy Player on Citrix/AVD

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Article summary

Whatfix Desktop can be implemented across all applications using virtual desktop software like Citrix and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). The Whatfix Player can be added to your respective Workspace and configured to display Whatfix content to all the end users of your organization, even if they access the required desktop applications through a virtual workspace. For more information about the different installation methods available in Whatfix Desktop, see Choose an installation method for Player.


The following steps can only be performed by an IT Admin with access to your organization's Citrix/AVD server or image

Use the following steps to set up Whatfix Desktop for a virtual desktop:

  1. Download the Player's system level installation file from the addons URL.

If you are using Whatfix Desktop on a 32-bit SAP application, download the 32-bit Player system-level installer from the following page:
32-bit installers for Whatfix Studio and Player

For US accounts For EU accounts
Download Player Download Player
  1. Once the file is downloaded, open the Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Run the following command to install the WhatfixPlayerInstaller file in the server:
    msiexec.exe /i WhatfixPlayerInstallerSLI.msi ORG="provide the ORG ID here" APP="<full-app-path-to_auto_start>" ENV=Citrix

The following table explains each parameter and whether or not it is required in the code:

Parameter Description Mandatory
ORG The ORG is a unique identifier assigned to your organization. To get the value for ORG (i.e., Enterprise ID), contact your Whatfix Representative . Mandatory value
APP The APP parameter is the complete path of the required application in the server machine. For example, C:\Program Files\Windows NT\notepad Mandatory value
ENV The environment (ENV) is virtual workspace where the Player needs to be deployed. It is "Citrix" for both Citrix and AVD Mandatory value
  1. Once the Player is installed, publish the Player by double-clicking the "Start Player.exe" file available in C:\Program Files\Whatfix\Whatfix Player.
your title goes here

When end users trigger this file, the Whatfix Player starts the target application by itself.

  • Whatfix Desktop does not support Cross App Flows and multiple application support through Citrix yet.

  • For more information about how to implement Whatfix Desktop on Citrix-based applications, contact

  • Auto Updation of Whatfix Player is not supported in this method.

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