Liste der Whatfix Funktionen
  • 17 Jun 2024
  • 16 Minuten zu lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf

Liste der Whatfix Funktionen

  • Dunkel
  • pdf


Mit Whatfix Funktionen können Sie zusätzliche Funktionalitäten und Konfigurationen nutzen, indem Sie Code verwenden, der im Abschnitt Advanced Customization hinzugefügt wird. Sehen Sie Advanced Customization.

Hier ist eine Beispielfunktion, mit der Sie ein Pop-up anzeigen können, wenn der Benutzer einen bestimmten Schritt in einem Flow abgeschlossen hat.

function onNext(event) 
  if(event.flow_id == '+' && event.step == '+')
    var pop1 = document.querySelectorAll('.gwt-Pop-upPanel')[1];
window._wfx_settings = {onNext: onEvent};


FunktionZielBeispiel Codeausschnitt
AnStarteRückrufen Sie nach dem Start des Flows
function OnStart(event) {
   track(null, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id, null, event.content);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var step, var content, var user_id){

//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);
window._wfx_settings.tracker = { trackLiveStart:OnStart };


wann der Flow-Schritt fehlt

function OnMiss(event) {
track(null, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id, null, event.content);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var step, var content, var user_id){

//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);
window._wfx_settings.tracker = { trackLiveMiss:OnMiss };

AnSchlussRückrufen Sie wann das Flow geschlossen ist
function OnClose(event) {
track(null, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id, null, event.content);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var step, var content, var user_id){

//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);
window._wfx_settings.tracker = { trackLiveClose:OnClose };

AmEndeRückruf wann der Flow vollständig ist
function OnEnd(event) {
track(null, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id, null, event.content);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var step, var content, var user_id){

//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);
window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackLiveEnd:OnEnd};

AnFlowFeedbackRückrufen Sie wann das Flow-Feedback übermittelt wird
function OnFlowFeedback(event) {
track(null, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id, null, event.content);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var step, var content, var user_id){

//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);
window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackFlowFeedback:OnFlowFeedback};

amVorEndeRückruf vor Ende des Flow
function am Vor Ende(event)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onBeforeEnd: onEvent};

vorderShowRückrufen Sie bevor der Schritt angezeigt wird
function onBeforeShow(event)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onBeforeShow: onEvent};


Rückruf nach der Anzeige des Schritts

function onAfterShow(event)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onAfterShow: onEvent};

vordemStartRückruf bevor der Flow startet
function onBeforeStart(event)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onBeforeStart: onEvent};

amNextRückruf beim Klick auf den nächsten Button
function onNext(event)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onNext: onEvent};

Self Help Funktionen

FunktionZielBeispiel Codeausschnitt
aufWidgetklickenRückrufen Sie wann der Benutzer auf die Self Help klickt und sie öffnet
function onWidgetClick(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Your implementation goes here
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackSelfHelpOpened:onWidgetClick};

AufSelfHelpCloseRückruf, wann das Self Help Widget geschlossen wird
function OnSelfHelpClose(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Your implementation goes here
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackSelfHelpClosed:OnSelfHelpClose};


wann das Self Help Widget auf dem Benutzerbildschirm erscheint.

function OnSelfHelpShow(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Your implementation goes here
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackSelfHelpShown:OnSelfHelpShow};


wann der Benutzer im Self Help sucht

function OnSelfhelpSearch(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Your implementation goes here
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackSearch:OnSelfhelpSearch};


wann der Benutzer eine Gruppe öffnet

function OnGroupOpen(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackGroupOpen:OnGroupOpen};


Rückruf wann der Benutzer eine Gruppe schließt

function OnGroupClose(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackGroupClose:OnGroupClose};

EinSuchKreuzRückruf wann das Kreuzsymbol im Suchfeld angeklickt wird
function OnSearchCross(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackSearchCross:OnSearchCross};

AufderSuchrolleRückruf wann ein Benutzer im Self Help blättert
function OnSearchScroll(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackSearchScroll:OnSearchScroll};

BeiVideostart    Rückruf wann der Videoinhalt angeklickt wird
function OnVideoStart(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackVideoStart:OnVideoStart};


Rückruf wann der Linkinhalt angeklickt wird

function OnLinkStart(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackLinkStart:OnLinkStart};

BeiTextStarte    Rückruf wann der Textinhalt angeklickt wird
function OnTextStart(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackTextStart:OnTextStart};


wann der Textinhalt geschlossen wird

function OnTextEnd(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //path : '/widget'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackTextEnd:OnTextEnd};

Task List Funktionen

FunktionZielBeispiel Codeausschnitt

wann das Task List Widget angeklickt wird

function onWidgetClicked(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //src_id : '/tasker'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackAufgabeListOpened:onWidgetClicked};

BeiWidgetgeladenRückruf beim Öffnen der Task List
function OnWidgetLoaded(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //src_id : '/tasker'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackAufgabeListShown:OnWidgetLoaded};

BeimWidgetScrollenRückruf wann die Aufgaben in der Task List gescrollt werden
function OnWidgetScroll(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //src_id : '/tasker'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Your implementation goes here
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackWidgetScroll:OnWidgetScroll};

BeiWidgetschließen    Rückruf wann die Task List über das Schließen-Symbol geschlossen wird
function OnWidgetClose(event) {
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id); //src_id : '/tasker'
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Your implementation goes here
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackAufgabeListClosed:OnWidgetClose};

Pop-up Funktionen


FunktionZiel  Beispiel Codeausschnitt
Rückruf, wann das Pop-up geladen wird.
function trackNewPop-upShown(event) { //path : '/popup/loaded'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackNewPop-upShown:trackNewPop-upShown};

Rufen Sie zurück, wenn das Pop-up vom Benutzer übersprungen wird.
function trackNewPop-upSkip(event) { //path : '/popup/clicked/skip'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackNewPop-upSkip:trackNewPop-upSkip};

Rufen Sie zurück, wann Sie auf das Pop-up klicken, führt zu einem anderen Flow.
function trackNewPop-upStartFlow(event) { //path : '/popup/clicked/flow/{buttonText}'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackNewPop-upStartFlow:trackNewPop-upStartFlow};

Rückruf wann ein Klick auf das Pop-up zu einem Link oder einer URL führt. 
function trackNewPop-upStartUrl(event) { //path : '/popup/clicked/url/{buttonText}'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackNewPop-upStartUrl:trackNewPop-upStartUrl};

Rückruf, wann das Pop-up geschlossen ist. 
function trackNewPop-upClose(event) { //path : '/popup/clicked/close'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackNewPop-upClose:trackNewPop-upClose};

Rückruf wann der Benutzer auf die Option Do Not Show Again in einem Pop-up klickt.
function trackNewPop-upDoNotShow(event) { //path : '/popup/checked/dontShow'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackNewPop-upDoNotShow:trackNewPop-upDoNotShow};

BeiEndPopUpCloseFromButton    Rückruf wann das Pop-up (nach dem Flow) mit der SCHLIEßEN Schaltfläche geschlossen wird.
function OnEndPopUpCloseFromButton(event) { //path : '/popup/guided_popup/start/popup_name' oder '/popup/smart_popup/start/popup_name'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackEndPopUpCloseFromButton:OnEndPopUpCloseFromButton};

BeiEndPopUpCloseFromCrossRückruf wann das Pop-up (nach dem Flow) mit der schließen Button geschlossen wird.
function OnEndPopUpCloseFromCross(event) { //path : '/popup/guided_popup/start/popup_name' oder '/popup/smart_popup/start/popup_name'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackEndPopUpCloseFromCross:OnEndPopUpCloseFromCross};

BeiEndPopUpCloseFromFlowClickRückruf wann das Schließen-Symbol in der Flow-Spitze angeklickt wird.
function OnEndPopUpCloseFromFlowClick(event) { //path : '/popup/guided_popup/start/popup_name' or '/popup/smart_popup/start/popup_name'
track(event.path, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.interaction_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var interaction_id, var user_id){
//Your implementation goes here
console.log(path + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + "," + ", " + interaction_id + ", " + user_id);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackEndPopUpCloseFromFlowClick:OnEndPopUpCloseFromFlowClick};

Non-Analytics Rückrufe

FunktionZielOnline oder Offline? Beispiel Codeausschnitt
AufPop-upCloseRückruf, wann das Pop-up geschlossen ist. Online
function onPop-upClose(object)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onPop-upClose: onPop-upClose};

AufPop-upSuccessRückruf wann ein Flow oder ein Inhalt von einem Pop-up getriggert wird. Online
function onPop-upSuccess(object)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onPop-upSuccess: onPop-upSuccess};

aufPop-upSkipRückruf wann das Pop-up vom Benutzer übersprungen wird. Online
function onPop-upSkip(object)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onPop-upSkip: onPop-upSkip};

aufBeforePopUpShowRückruf bevor das Pop-up dem Benutzer angezeigt wird. Online
function onBeforePopUpShow(object)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onBeforePop-upShow: onBeforePop-upShow};
aufPop-upViewRückruf wann das Pop-up vom Benutzer angezeigt wird.Offline
function onPop-upView(object)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onPop-upView: onPop-upView};

anDontShowPop-upRückruf wenn der Benutzer in einem Pop-up auf die Option Nicht anzeigen klickt.Offline
function onDontShowPop-up(object)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onDontShowPop-up: onDontShowPop-up};

erhaltenPopupViewanzahlRückruf, um die Anzahl der Benutzer zu ermitteln, die das Pop-up angesehen haben.Offline
function onPop-upViewCount(object)
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
window._wfx_settings = {onPop-upViewCount: onPop-upViewCount};

Smart Tip Funktionen

Funktion ZielBeispiel Codeausschnitt
Rückruf für jedes Mal, wenn der Smart Tip angezeigt wird
function onShow(event) {//path : '/smart_tip/live/step1'
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.user_id, event.step);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackStaticShow:onShow};

Rückruf, wann der Smart Tip durch Drücken des Kreuzsymbols geschlossen wird
function onClose(event) {//path : '/smart_tip/live/close1'
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackStaticClose:onClose};

Rückruf, wenn der Schritt verpasst wird
function onMiss(event) {path : '/smart_tip/live/miss1'
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.on_id, event.user_id, event.step);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackStaticMiss:onMiss};


wenn die Validierung bestanden ist

function OnValidationValid(event) {path : '/smart_tip/live/miss1'
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.on_id, event.user_id, event.step);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackTip ValidationValid:OnValidationValid};

AnValidationFehler    Rückruf bei Validierungsfehler
function OnValidationError(event) {path : '/smart_tip/live/miss1'
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.on_id, event.user_id, event.step);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackTip ValidationError:OnValidationError};

Rückruf wenn ein Validierungsfehler korrigiert wird
function OnValidationRectified(event) {path : '/smart_tip/live/miss1'
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.on_id, event.user_id, event.step);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackTip ValidationRectified:OnValidationRectified};

Beacon Funktionen

FunktionenZielBeispiel Codeausschnitt
Rückrufen Sie wann
ein Beacon angeklickt wird
function OnBeaconClicked(event) {
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.user_id, event.step);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackBeaconClicked:OnBeaconClicked};

Rückrufen Sie wann ein Beacon auf dem Benutzerbildschirm erscheint
function OnBeaconShown(event) {
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackBeaconShown:OnBeaconShown};

Rückruf, wann ein Beacon-Inhalt geladen wird
function OnWidgetLoadedEvent(event) {
track(event.path, event.flow_id, event.flow_title, event.ent_id, event.src_id, event.on_id, event.user_id);
function track(var path, var flow_id, var flow_title, var ent_id, var src_id, var on_id, var step, var content, var user_id){
//Ihre Implementierung kommt hier hin
console.log(path + ", " + flow_id + ", " + flow_title + ", " + ent_id + ", " + src_id + ", " + on_id + ", " + interaction_id + ", " +
user_id step + ", " + user_id + ", " + content);

window._wfx_settings.tracker = {trackWidgetLoadedEvent:OnWidgetLoadedEvent};

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