Content Versioning
  • 29 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes To Read
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Content Versioning

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Article summary

Content Versioning enables you to track all the changes made to any content created on Whatfix. Every saved content change is recorded as a new version.

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When you remove Whatfix content or widget from Production, it moves back to the Draft stage. If a version of this content is present in the Ready stage, it also moves back to Draft and any changes made to this content reverts. However, you can restore these changes in the Draft stage.

Here's an orientation video on Content Versioning:

Version Panel

The version panel shows all the versions of a particular content or widget, when each version was updated, and which user each version was updated by. You can preview any version as a PDF and restore a version from the version panel.


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  • For each version of content that currently exists on the Dashboard, the version panel shows whether it is in Draft, Ready, or Production.
  • The version panel shows Archived on the Archived version of the content or widget in the following scenarios:
    • If a version is currently Archived.
    • If an Archived version is deleted.
    • If an Archived version is updated by restoring it from the Archived section.


Use the following steps to preview and restore a version:

  1. On the Whatfix Dashboard, go to the content/widget that you want to restore to a previous version, and then click the desired version number.
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If you have the enhanced Whatfix dashboard, use the following steps:

For content:
1 a) On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

1 b) Click All content.

For widgets:

1 a) On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Widgets.

1 b) Click All widgets.

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Ensure that the Version column is selected.

  1. Hover your cursor over the version you want to restore and click the View PDF icon to preview the content.
    RB_DB_Other config_version details
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The content version opens in a PDF format in a new tab.

  1. To restore the version, click Restore.
    RB_DB_Other config_restore
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  • You can also access the version panel from the Archived section.
  • The restore option is not available on the version panel in the Archived section.
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  • The restored version is restored to the Draft stage. Push it to Production to make it visible to end users.
  • When content is restored from a previous version, the version is copied as a new version. For example, if there are 12 versions of a Flow, and you restore version 5, then version 13 will be an exact copy of version 5.

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