How many Flows are there in my account?
  • 19 Mar 2025
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How many Flows are there in my account?

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Article summary

You may want to find the number of published Flows in an account for audit or content governance purposes.

Use the following steps to find the number of Flows in the Production stage:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click Flows.


To view the count of other content, such as Smart tips or Links, click the desired content type.

  1. Click Production.


    If you want to find the number of Flows in the Draft or Ready stages, click the specific stage.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the number of Flows in the Production stage. In the example image, the number of Flows in the Production stage is 53.



    • Similarly, Whatfix enables you to view the number of Flows in the Draft or Ready stages.

    • The same process can be followed to find the count of other content types also.

    • The number of rows displayed depends on the option you select from Rows on page.


    • To export the Flows as an Excel file, see Export content/widgets list data on the Dashboard.

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