Use User Actions as Visibility Rules
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Use User Actions as Visibility Rules

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Article summary

User Action as a Visibility Rule enables you to show contextual content based on specific User Actions that your user may or may not perform.

Configure User Action as Visibility Rules for Flows, Self Help, Task List, Beacons, Pop-ups, and Smart Tips.

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For more information on using User Actions with Flows, see Trigger a Flow using User Actions.

Use Case

When an application deals with sensitive data related to contracts, notifying end users during contract download attempts is essential. Explain that downloading contracts violates compliance and poses a security threat. Use User Actions to trigger a Pop-up when a user clicks the export icon, displaying a message that describes the impact.

Add User Action as a Visibility Rule

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Create a User Action for the element that acts as a trigger. For more information, see Create a User Action.

Use the following steps to add User Action as Visibility Rule:

The following steps show how User Actions can be used as a Visibility Rule to trigger Self Help. The same steps apply to configure the Visibility Rule for other widgets.

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Widgets.

  2. Click All widgets.

  1. Select the widget that you want to display when the User Action is triggered.

  2. Under Set Rules, click Visibility.

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If you're using the Advanced Visibility Rules, see Show content based on user performing an action.

  1. Select User Action from the dropdown.
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By default, Whatfix enables the condition to be set as Completed, meaning the widget displays when end users complete the User Action.

  1. Select the Action that you want as a trigger from the list of User Actions created.
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Only one User Action can be added as a trigger for a specific widget.

  1. Complete the widget creation, then click Save.
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  • A widget with User Actions configured as Visibility Rules can be previewed and tested using the Preview mode on Studio.
  • If multiple Pop-ups with different Visibility Rules are configured to appear on the same page, the Pop-up configured with User Action Completed as the Visibility Rule always displays first when the end user performs the User Action.

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