Capture Elements from Composed Path
  • 17 Dec 2024
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Capture Elements from Composed Path

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Article summary

What is a Composed Path?

Consider that you're interacting with an application by clicking a button or typing in a form. When you do these actions, they trigger events, which are signals that tell the website to do something in response.

Now, each of these actions happens on a specific part of the website, for example a button or a text box. Normally, the website knows which part you're interacting with because of a label called the browser events.

But sometimes, especially in more complicated websites or apps, this label may get a bit mixed up. That's where the composedPath() method comes in. It helps the website double-check which part you're interacting with. It follows the path of your action through all the layers of the website, starting from the element you clicked and going back to the main part of the site. This enables the website figure out exactly where you're clicking or typing.

Regarding Whatfix, applications developed on top of Salesforce contain elements from browser events that cannot be identified using the default algorithm. By enabling Capture Elements from Composed Path, you enable Whatfix to use the composedPath() method to identify elements in your application.

Use the following steps to capture elements from composed path:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Click Advanced customisation.

  3. Click Technical configuration.
    ac_tech config.png

  4. Click Add preferences.
    tech config_add prefrences.png

  1. Click Common Properties.
    tech config_common properties.png

  2. Select the Capture Elements from Composed Path checkbox.
    tech config_enable capture elements from composed path.png

  3. Click Add.
    tech config_add button.png

  4. Enable the Capture Elements from Composed Path toggle.
    tech config_capture elements from composed path toggle.png

  5. Click Save.
    tech config_save.png

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