Manage Cross Sub-Domain Flows
  • 17 May 2024
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Manage Cross Sub-Domain Flows

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Article summary

A subdomain is a part of a domain that is located before the domain name and separated by a dot. Subdomains are also commonly used to separate a section of a website from the main site. For example, in the URL, docs is the subdomain of the Google domain.

Generally, session storage is typically limited to a specific subdomain, meaning that data stored in session storage on one subdomain cannot be directly accessed from another subdomain. For example, if a Flow has steps 1, 2, 3 on and steps 4, 5, 6 on, when a user navigates from one subdomain to another, the session storage limitations can cause issues such as loss of Flow information or Flow failing.

When you enable Handle Subdomain, Whatfix manages cross subdomain flows. So, even if a Flow spans across multiple subdomains, Whatfix ensures that the Flow information is managed effectively, bypassing the domain-specific constraints of session storage.

Use the following steps to manage cross sub-domain Flows:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Click Advanced customisation.

  3. Click Technical configuration.
    ac_tech config.png

  4. Click Add preferences.
    tech config_add prefrences.png

  1. Click Flows.
    tech config_flow.png

  2. Select the Handle SubDomain checkbox.
    tech config_enable handle subdomain.png

  3. Click Add.
    tech config_add button.png

  4. Enable the Handle SubDomain toggle.
    tech config_handle subdomain toggle.png

  5. Click Save.
    tech config_save.png

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